Monday, August 12, 2024

Here we go with year 16!

Can you believe it? We started year 16 of homeschooling today! Wow, never in a million years did I think we would be in this spot doing life, living and learning under our roof. You want to know what's equally impressive? We have lived in this same house for 15 years! What was once just supposed to be a quick tour on the east coast has turned into an extended stay with two children added to our family. And you know what...I am so glad that God has placed us just where we needed to be. 

Montana started her last first day of high school this morning! So bittersweet. I can't believe we have another hgh school senior. She will be our 4th graduate from ASBCA in May and our first graduate to be fully home educated. That alone is a huge accomplishment in my book.

Montana has a pretty loaded plan of study this year and I am really excited that she has the opportunity to knock out some of her general education requirements by doing dual enrollment. The local community college has lowered the tuition to just $25.00 per credit! Currently she is set up to take three dual enrollment classes in the fall semester. She will also start her college applications process in September. As of right now, she is qualified for the full tuition/fees scholarship at her first choice school. She doesn't want to go too far and she is familiar with the campus as she did a summer intensive last year so she may only apply to this one school. In my mind that is scary for some reason. But, the school has the major she wants to study and it's close so maybe we will just sit back and see how it plans out. 

McKenzie is officially a high schooler! I don't know if I am ready. The high school years fly by so fast. I know she will be prepared to fly the nest when it is her turn, but man, my baby girl is a freshman!

She too has a jam packed schedule, but I do think it will be manageable even with her busy training schedule. She is set to compete Level 9 again and she is hyper focused to stay healthy so she can qualify for Eastern's next May. McKenzie is taking three courses online with Veritas Press and she is looking forward to them. She was wanting to start her modern foreign language this year but we held off to finish the Latin series with Latin II. I know it will pay dividends down the road and at most schools it is now an accepted foreign language. She is hoping to start Russian but we may settle for German because it is offered more widely online and she would have the option to do dual enrollment German in 12th grade. Thus earning 5 foreign language credits for high school, 2 Latin and 3 German. I know that will make her stand out come her university application season as she has her heart set on a highly selective school. 

Our Micah is in 5th grade! If you are a long term reader you're probably thinking that that went by super fast...because it did! He's 10 years old now and knows it all and can already argue his point about all things. Which honestly sometimes all I need to hear is "Yes, Ma'am". But in all seriousness, he's a good boy and we are super proud of the young man he is becoming.

Micah has spent the summer playing baseball on All * Stars and his travel team. The boys had a good run even after all the adult stuff that interfered with them playing. When I tell you it was H-O-T, I definitely mean it was HOT on the fields. Some had trees to shade the grounds but many did not. Fall ball is starting up in a few weeks and Micah has invited to a new training program just across state lines. It's only 45 minutes and he is looking forward to the training to improve his batting and overall game play. He took lessons this summer and we have already seen huge improvement so we think it is worth the time and drive commitment. 

I know I have been absent from this blog for awhile...I do hope to get better at that this year. Like I really want to try and write something weekly. I don't even know if anyone but my Grandma will read it, but it's okay! {Hi, Grandma!} So, stick around and see what is happening in our neck of the woods. 

Until next time friends!

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