This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, May 29, 2023

2023 - 2024 Plan of Study ~ 11th, 8th, & 4th grades

Morning friends!

I am finally ready to share our 2023-2024 Plan of Study! When I tell you this year has been a labor of love, I mean it. I’ve been on my knees many times over the last few months praying and planning about our upcoming school year and our Plan of Study. Countless days I have been up late into the night researching…thinking…planning and replanning. Trying to formulate a (loose) long term plan of attack for my youngest two who, Lord willing, will get the chance to be student-athletes like their older sister. My current high schooler is also forefront in my mind as she has reached the level of whether we take the AP or Dual Enrollment (Early College) route. This fall the countdown will start and she will have just two years left. I’m leaning towards the latter as we currently have orders to stay in the area and we can get a waiver so we don’t have to pay out of state tuition as we would have had to with Madison and Mikayla when they were at this stage.

I wouldn’t be telling the truth if I said there are not days that I feel physically and mentally done with homeschooling. It’s hard work! I’ve wanted to quit, to throw in the towel… but I can’t, I won’t. The stakes are too high, we’ve come so far! This is my job, this is what the Lord has placed before me as my task for the last 14 years. Plus, if you know me, I’m no quitter šŸ˜Š.

I think this is probably the latest that I have ever waited to share our plans. I have had all three kids enrolled in their upcoming online courses with Veritas Press Scholars since February, so I’ve been planning for next school year since January! Things kept being thrown at me and we have been traveling a lot this year, but I have finally figured out the direction we’re going to go! I want to note that any links below are not affiliated links. I just put them in for my reference and yours if you want to check the curriculum out. Also, because we are coming up onto our 15th year and fifth trip through high school, I already own the majority of the curriculum listed as I try to shop our shelves first before investing into something new.


Montana will be in 11th grade and is enrolled in three online classes, Saxon Advanced Math (Pre-Calculus), Honors Anatomy & Physiology, and Honors Spanish 3. The latter two offer a Dual Enrollment opportunity. At the time of penning this post, Montana is also currently enrolled in an online AP English Language course, however, I am in the process of registering her for the Early College program with Regent University. 


Montana's Plan of Study looks like this for 2023-2024:

Bible ~ Sonlight Bible 410 {1 credit}
Math ~ Saxon Advanced Mathematics (Pre-Calculus) online with Veritas Press  {1 credit}
Honors Science ~ Apologia Advanced Biology (AnPhy) online with Veritas Press (Early College/DE) {1 credit}
English 3 ~ English 101 with Tidewater Community College (FALL) {1 credit}
Honors History ~ Sonlight Core 400 American Government {0.5 credit}
Honors Literature ~ Sonlight American Literature 430 {1 credit}
Honors Foreign Language ~  Spanish 3 with Veritas Press (Early College/DE) {1 credit}
PE ~ softball (Rec ball) / home workouts {1 credit}
 Economics ~ Thinkwell {0.5 credit}
Personal Finance ~ GHW {0.5 credit}
Driver’s Ed {0.5 credit}

 ~ PSAT/ACT 1 hr/day
 ~ Mother’s Helper 1/day a week for 5 hours

 Total yearly credits: 9.0 credits for High School / 9 credits for College

McKenzie will be in 8th grade this year and is enrolled in four online classes with Veritas Press Scholars, Latin 1, Grammar & Writing Transition, Logic 1, and Physical Science. Three of the courses are for high school credit as well as her Sonlight and Math course below. I plan to add to the writing course to make it count as an English 1 credit and we have a fall back plan in case the course does not pass the NCAA Clearinghouse down the road. She has big goals and wants a chance to be a collegiate gymnast at her current dream school, the US Air Force Academy (or anywhere she can gain a spot). 

If you’re a long term reader of this blog you know that in 2014 when McKenzie was turning 5 years old we opted her out of officially starting Kindergarten with the State. She did in fact complete her Kindergarten year 2014, just not on paper. So when she did officially start Kindergarten in 2015, she was working at the 1st grade level. Essentially she has been working a year ahead each year.

Eighth grade is when we normally start earning high school credit in our homeschool, however, next school year McKenzie is going to attempt to complete a full 9th grade course load for 8th grade. I am in no way trying to rush the high school process. I have talked with several other homeschooling families who have taken this route with success. We have been preparing for this jump and she is ready for this step. 


McKenzie's Plan of Study looks like this for 2023-2024:

Bible ~ Sonlight Bible 110 {1 credit}
Math ~ Saxon Algebra 1/2 

English 1 
 ~ Composition with IEW's The Elegant Essay online with Veritas Press

~ Our Mother Tongue Grammar online with Veritas Press

~ Rod & Staff Spelling 8

~ Interactive Latin & Greek Roots Notebook

Science ~ Apologia Physical Science online with Veritas Press {1 credit}
Honors Literature ~ Sonlight American Literature 100 {1 credit}
Honors History  ~ Sonlight American History 100 {1 credit}
Foreign Language ~ Latin 1 online with Veritas Press  {1 credit}
PE ~ Level 9 Gymnastics, 26-28 hours a week 

~ Logic 1 online with Veritas Press {1 credit}

Total yearly credits: 6 credits

Micah, my baby boy, is jumping into online learning with three classes for 4th grade, Memory Period I, Grammar & IEW Writing 3, and Latin 3. Honestly, I wanted to enroll him into a Saxon 5/4 Math and/or IEW Linguistics 4 (Spelling) class, but deep down I can’t justify the cost at this stage. Saxon Math does take a big jump as far as the formatting of the lessons so I’m hoping we don’t butt heads too much over that. He will use Nicole the Math Lady for lesson instruction even though I can teach 4th grade math šŸ˜Š

Micah's Plan of Study for 2023-2024 will be:

~ Sonlight Bible Core E


~ Saxon 5/4 online with Veritas Press

Language Arts
~ IEW Fix it Grammar, book 1

Linguistics 4: IEW Phonetic Zoo online with Veritas Press

~ Sonlight Core E – American History, part 1


Elemental Science: Physics for the Grammar Stage

Greek Myths

~ Latin for Children, A online with Veritas Press

Baseball, Fall & Spring ball, private lessons during the off season

Micah will be the only one attending our beloved co-op for enrichment courses next year as well. McKenzie wants to take Drama but with her training schedule it’s hard to fit in unless she goes completely to night practice, which she doesn’t want {and neither do I šŸ™‚}. Montana’s weekly babysitter job is switching to Tuesday mornings in September so we spread the bulk of her online courses to M/W, and she doesn’t want to sit in study hall all day to do her online courses. I’m going to be teaching a class on Time Management/Study Skills/Functional-Decorative Planning to middle schoolers as well as aiding in two science classes. I’m excited for co-op next school year!

I’m pretty sure we will be traveling all over the country again for gymnastics with McKenzie and trying to catch as many college meets of Mikayla’s too! Micah wants to make a Travel ball team next year so he will start taking private lessons in pitching as well as fielding/batting in the off season. Unfortunately, I believe Montana will age out of softball eligibility after the fall season so we need to look into something else to fulfill her PE requirement if she can’t play. She may look into being an umpire, but she also wants to focus on her drawing and possibly creating illustrations for sale. Micah will also be bridging to a Weblo 1 in Cub Scouts in a few short weeks. His Pack does a lot of exciting adventures and we’re looking forward to more camping throughout the year.


If you’ve read all of this, YOU are a ROCKSTAR! Leave me a comment, I’d love to connect with you and talk about your homeschool plans.


Until next time friends, have a blessed day!



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