This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Success Skills for Christian Students Video Course and Book Bundle ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations. 

Good morning, friends!  Today I am excited to share a book geared towards your high school student. Do you have a high schooler who is looking to be college ready? The Skills 4 Students, LLC offers a course just for high schoolers to help them prepare for the world of college. It’s called the Success Skills for Christian Students Video Course and Book Bundle. I am on my fourth rotation of high school, with two more rounds to go, but I am always eager to learn something new that I didn’t know before. This program offers a physical book for your student as well as an online video component to help them develop the soft skills that will help them be successful in college as well as what future employers will be looking for. Let me tell you a little more about it. 
 This course is written and developed by Mr. Cary Green, PhD, who after teaching and advising university students for twenty years started his own business to help young adults be successful by equipping them with skills for academic success and employability. His course will help your high school or college student deepen their Christian faith, develop leadership and academic skills, as well as build the soft skills that employers are seeking. 
We received the physical paperback book plus the complete online course which is geared to the student. The online component includes video lessons, an eBook download, a download to the application workbook, a Bible study guide download, audio MP3 downloads of the videos, course slides, and a quick start guide student portfolio. As you can see it is a full course to get your students college and career ready. Students are able to work independently through the program and you the parent are just there to office support and guidance as needed. Since there is a lot of meaningful work put into this course a full high school credit can be given on the high school transcript for students who complete the course. 

I really love that this course puts Christ at the front and center even before they start to learn the “soft skills” the book talks about. What exactly are “soft skills” that will be taught? The book identifies 5 of them as being skills that will enhance academic performance and transfer the skills to any future career. They include: 

1. Critical thinking and problem-solving 
2. Written and oral communication 
3. Ability to work effectively on a team 
4. Time management 
5. Professionalism 

My highschooler, Montana (10th), and my middle schooler, McKenzie (7th) both took a look at this course. While it is intended for high schoolers, I think it has important points for my middle schooler to get a head start on as she prepares for high school, especially since she is gearing up to take high school level courses next school year. We have spent quite a deal of time in Chapter 3 which deals with learning to “Balance Your Life and Keep Learning”. We just finished our first busy season of fall softball for Montana and are gearing up for McKenzie’s travel season with gymnastics. This chapter has helped us remember to return our focus to Christ even as we manage the daily requirements of school and life. I especially like that at the end of each chapter it summarizes key take away points. 

There is so much to this course, and we have only brushed the surface. Over the course of this school year, we will continue plugging away with the course and learning new things to help us be successful. These are valuable skills to be learning and I am glad to have them laid out for us to follow as a guidebook as we prepare to launch them into adulthood. Skills 4 Students, LLC offers homeschool students career readiness with their Success Skills for Christian Students Video Course and Book Bundle. Be sure to click the banner below to see what my CrewMates thought of this program. I highly recommend checking out this course! 
Skills for Success

 Format ~ paperback book 
Ages ~ high school through college student 

Find Skills 4 Students, LLC on these Social Media Links: 

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