This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Building Thinking Skills Level 1 with The Critical Thinking Co. ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations. 

 Morning friends!

The Critical Thinking Co.™ 

 Hope your week is going great! Aah, welcome to summer break! Are you looking for something to combat the “summer slide”? One of our favorites is called Building Thinking Skills® Level 1 from The Critical Thinking Co.™
 If you are long term readers then you already know that The Critical Thinking Co.™ is our favorite critical thinking course to use. So much so, that I am excited to use the Building Thinking Skills® Level 1 (BTS level 1) with my youngest, my son Micah. This course is a complete logic/critical thinking program for grades 2-3.
The Critical Thinking Co. is a family-owned business that has been “empowering the mind” for more than 50 years. They sell critical thinking products/supplements that cover reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history. Instead of rote drilling and memorization, students are encouraged to “carefully analyze what they are learning.” The Critical Thinking Co. is on a mission to develop the critical thinking skills in all children. 
 We received the softcover workbook for BTS Level 1 in the mail about 6 weeks ago. This is a thick workbook with over 300 pages. Inside you will find activities that will help your child with thinking skills for reading, writing, math, science, and test prep. 
There are ten different focus areas throughout the book including:
 Describing Shapes 
Similarities and Differences in Shapes 
Figural Sequences 
Figural Classifications 
Figural Analogies 
Describing Things 
Verbal Similarities and Differences 
Verbal Sequences 
Verbal Classifications 
Verbal Analogies 
 There is a full answer key in the back of the book. It is full color, miniature sized pages of the student pages with the answers marked.

Micah has enjoyed using this book each day as part of our summer learning time. Since the activities are meant to be developmentally sequenced and build upon one another we have just been plugging along in the book completing 2-3 pages a day. Normally it just takes him about 10-15 minutes to complete 2 pages, depending on the activity presented. Somedays he choose to keep working until he got tired and that got no complaints from me. 

Overall, this has been a great fit for Micah and I am excited to see him build upon his critical thinking skills as he works to complete this book over the summer and next school year. This curriculum has earned a spot in our Plan of Study line up and I am excited to see Micah reap the benefit from such a thorough critical thinking program. 
Critical Thinking 

 Format ~ softcover workbook 
Price ~ $34.99
Ages ~ 7-9 years old
 Find The Critical Thinking Co.™ on these Social Media Links: 

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