Thursday, April 21, 2022

Telling Stories in New Ways with Original ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations. 

 Morning friends! Over the last four weeks my son, Micah, has been able to take part in an online class called Telling Stories in New Ways from Original.
Original offers project-based classes for children aged 7 thru 14 years old to get the creative juices flowing. I don’t know about you but we have a lot of legos and building toys at our house. Micah is just starting to get into building and creating his own Lego creations this year so this class was a great opportunity to encourage him to use his imagination and create something, dare I say…original. 
Original was created by Bill Triant and his wife a few years ago during the pandemic that shut down the world. Like many other parents scrambling to find activities for their kids during this time to keep their children occupied while they worked online, Bill and his wife faced this same dilemma. After shelling out money on multiple courses for their children only to find that they would give up because of lost interest or a learning experience that was different than what they craved from the class, Bill put his thinking cap on. After brainstorming just what children like his own were wanting he set out to create classes that gave children the creative spaces to freely work on projects they desired with as little or much guidance they needed from the instructors.
Micah was enrolled in the Telling Stories in New Ways which is designed for kids aged 7-10. During his class he met with his instructor, Mrs. Vanessa, and the other students enrolled over Google classroom for approximately 45 minutes. Logging in was a simple process as Mr. Bill sent the link to the class so we just needed to click on it to load the classroom.

During the class time the students were to create different media based off their interests while the teacher encouraged and guided them. For Micah, that is video games and baseball. Frequently during the school week, I will find him creating a ball field or elaborate mazes with his miniature action figures and or Lego’s.
 Micah seemed to really enjoy his class time and I will say he did spend more time playing and creating with his toys than requesting to play on the computer. That is a win-win in my book!
I liked that the classes were online. The end of March/early April is a busy time for us with the gymnastics season winding down and State/Regional meets. For Micah's first class I had to set him up for class at the sportsplex where I was helping run the meet hospitality set up. I ended up having to use my phone's hotspot but he was able to fully participate with my there in the room.  The classes for this course are reasonably priced in my opinion. The first week is free and then each subsequent week is just $25. Since you are not locked into a contract you are free to cancel anytime. 
Micah has enjoyed his class and I love that his imagination has taken off during his playtime. I am looking forward to coming back to Original when Micah is a bit older as he would like to partake in their Amazing Video Game Idea course.
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this course and the Original Lego Creations course that was reviewed by clicking the banner below.

Online Workshops Foster Student Centered Learning 
 Company ~ Original 
 Product ~ Telling Stories in New Ways 
 Format ~ online course 
 Price ~ First class free, $25.00 per class afterwards 
 Ages ~ 7-10 years old
 Find Original on Social Media: 

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