This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Friday, April 8, 2022

Homeschool math curriculum with His Vessel Textbooks - Algebra 1 ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations. 

Morning friends! We are another week closer to the end of the school year. In fact, today we begin our Spring Break but first I wanted to share with you a new homeschool math curriculum with you that is Biblically based called His Vessel Textbooks – Algebra 1. 
Wait…what? Yes, you read that right. A math book that has a Biblical worldview incorporated into it. The author, Mary Carroll, a homeschool mom and math lover, created this homeschool Algebra curriculum for Christians who wanted to teach their children math in the context of Scripture.
His Vessels Textbooks – Algebra 1 is a thick hardcover book with over 500 pages cover to cover and retails for $99.99. With 11 units and 64 lessons this homeschool math curriculum course covers all of the normal Algebra 1 topics necessary to learn. From Interger's to graphing to the Quadratic equation your child will learn the necessary math while also getting a faith lesson as well.
When this curriculum was offered for review I jumped at the chance to use it with Montana, my 9th grader. One because Montana was having trouble understanding how to graph a line and two because I was curious how math could be tied to Scripture. 

Within each of the 64 lessons in this course you will find several features that tie in Scripture. These sections include: 
A God Moment: These sections are at the beginning of the lesson and contain a short devotional with scripture explaining the math concept from a Biblical view.
Objectives for This Lesson: These are written in an outline format as “I Can” statements so you know what you will be able to do at the finish of the section. 

Vocabulary: Helpful terms to know for the lesson. 

Explanations and Examples: the meat of the lesson concept is explained and covered in this section 

You Try: these are practice problems for you to complete. Only the answers are given to these problems, not the solutions. 
Practice Problems: This is your standard page of practice problems. They must be worked out on paper or in a notebook. Only the odd problems have the answers in the back of the book.
Helpful Hints and Make it Clear: These are scattered throughout the lessons and offer clarity on concepts.
Family Activity: Fun activities to get the whole family involved in learning Algebra are included in this section. Activities include eating a pie on Pi Day, completing puzzles, or making math shapes with Playdough and point back to Christ. 

Expression Project: These special projects are optional and found at the end of the unit. They vary in project and are meant to challenge the student. Completion of these is optional. 
Montana only used this math textbook as a supplement to our regular math program when she needed more understanding of a certain concept. Having access to this homeschool math book is a God send! 
Math doesn’t come easy for Montana; she has to work at it. For her, as I stated above, was the graphing of a line concept that was not sticking. The way the material is presented in this book has helped her understand how to graph the line and she is more confident in doing so. I love how each of the concepts are explained in an easy-to-understand way. If you need a little extra help you can also watch video lessons found on YouTube.
I know that we will continue to reference this math textbook during the rest of the year and it will be a valuable resource for us as my two younger children come through high school math. I am excited to say that Mrs. Carroll is currently working on a Geometry book that will be released in the fall! I definitely have this book on my radar because anything that can make Geometry easier to understand is worth the price in gold to me. She also plans to release Algebra 2, Pre-Algebra, and elementary math series in the future.
Hands-down, I think you should get your hands on a copy of this Algebra book and check it out for yourself. Don’t just take my word for it though, seven of my CrewMates also had the chance to review this homeschool algebra 1 book. Click on the banner below and read their thoughts as well.

Christ Centered Algebra Curriculum 
 Format ~ hardcover textbook 
Price ~ $99.99
 Ages ~ high school math
His Vessel Textbooks Algebra 1

 Find His Vessel Textbooks - Algebra 1 on these Social Media sites: 

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