Thursday, February 24, 2022

Homeschool math curriculum from Math Mammoth ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations. 

Math Mammoth
Math…it either strikes fear in your child or your child enjoys it. With six kids we have had our share of children who fall into both camps. Math is a subject that we have a solid main curriculum for that we love. However, it is always fun to supplement and fill in any gaps where necessary and that is what we did when the opportunity to review a grade level of the Light Blue Series from Math Mammoth was offered.  
For the last few weeks McKenzie (6th grade) and Micah (2nd grade) have been supplementing with our math lessons using the Math Mammoth Skills Review Workbook Grade 6 and Math Mammoth Light Blue Series Grade 2 . My youngest two children actually fall into the “love” math category so that makes this review fun for us. 

Math Mammoth was created by Maria Miller, a homeschooling mom with a degree in mathematics. Her company offers multiple products that help parents teach math to their kids. The Light Blue series is a full elementary math curriculum intended for 1st – 7th graders. The Light Blue series is a mastery-oriented program that focuses on chapters that focus on one central math theme. Through the use of visual models and exercises this curriculum has a strong focus on conceptual understanding of the topics presented with mental math and number sense emphasized.

We received a digital download copy of the Math Mammoth Light Blue Series Grade 2. The Light Blue series comes with two student worktexts (A and B). These worktexts include the teaching explanations as well as the student work pages. Answer keys, chapter tests, and cumulative review lessons are also included for each grade level. Online videos that match the curriculum are also available if you need them. I should note that this curriculum meets and/or exceeds the Common Core Standards. 

Grade 2 can be purchased as a PDF download $39.50, on a CD $44.50, or as an already printed worktext (see website for specific pricing). In addition to studying time/clock, money, and an introduction to multiplication, Grade 2 has four areas that it focuses on including: ~ understanding the base-ten system within 1000 ~ developing addition and subtraction fluency within 100 ~ using standard units of measure ~ to describe and analyze shapes 

We also received a PDF download of the Skills Review Workbook Grade 6 ($9.25) that includes 92 worksheet pages which I used with McKenzie. The Skills Review Workbooks are divided into chapters that correspond with the Grade 6 Light Blue Curriculum. Having the concepts reviewed repeatedly over the course of the school year is handy. Since our main curriculum is not Math Mammoth we were able to use these review sheets to give McKenzie just a little bit more practice on concepts. The worksheets are one-page in length and are meant to be a quick review. This were perfect for us to take with us as we travel during her busy competition season.
As I stated above I used these with Micah and McKenzie as a supplement to our main math program. It was easy to switch out our main curriculum for Micah, as I knew I wanted to dive into addition and subtraction more in depth with him. I loved the in-depth look that he got on individual topics that he needed just a little extra help with. These materials are just the right amount of material without being too overwhelming. The best thing is that Micah is getting better at his addition and subtraction fluency which will only serve him well as he progresses up through higher levels of math. 
Math Mammoth

Math Mammoth is a complete and thorough math curriculum that you can be sure will help teach your children what they need to know at each grade level. I look forward to continuing to use this curriculum with my two children for the rest of the school year. But don’t just take my word for it. Eighteen of my CrewMates also reviewed different grade levels and skills reviews so be sure to read their thoughts by clicking the banner below.
Tackle Math Curriculum with Math Mammoth
Company ~ Math Mammoth 
Format ~ PDF download 
Price ~ see above 
Ages ~ 1st – 7th grades Math Mammoth 
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