Friday, November 12, 2021

Family Advent Traditions with The Giving Manger from WorthyKids ~ a TOS review {Giveaway}

Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.
Another Friday down friends! I am so glad you have popped on the blog today as I have a special review and giveaway to share today. As you know the Advent season is quickly approaching and I am excited to share with you how we will be celebrating the season this year. We are adding to our family tradition of reading Christmas books each day and we are going to incorporate random acts of kindness with the help of The Giving Manger from WorthyKids.
The Giving Manger is a beautiful hardcover book written by Allison Hottinger and illustrated by Emily King. The whole package comes with the book, a wooden manger, a bushel of straw, and a resin baby Jesus wrapped in white.
The Giving Manger helps to teach kids random acts of kindness all the while putting Christ at the center with the story of Anne and Ben who along with their parents are in the story. The father tells the children that starting on December 1st they family would start a new tradition and that there would be one more gift under the tree. As expected the children, Anne and Ben, were thrilled at the thought. However, come December 1st both children were a bit disappointed to only see a simple wooden manger on the table that Father had carved.
Worhty Kids

And the King will answer and say to them, “‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” 
~ Matthew 25:40
 Father explains to them that this Christmas they will celebrate God’s greatest gift to the world, Jesus Christ, by loving and serving others. Each time they performed a random act of kindness or served someone else a tiny piece of straw would be added to the manger. On Christmas day the children awakened to see a tiny baby Jesus in the manger resting on all their straws of kindness. 
 As we prepare for Advent I love this book and everything that it stands for! Especially now during the time when media outlets are stressing consumerism and pressure to spend now because there may be shipping delays. The Giving Manger puts the focus back on the real meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ, and serving and giving what you can to others.
Worhty Kids
I also love how the paper piecing illustrations fit this story so well. I love how the images sort of pop off the page! We have our manger set up front near our two most used rooms so we can see it each day as we prepare. My two youngest, McKenzie (12) and Micah (7) are excited and are already thinking of ways to bless others this holiday season. The book even includes service ideas for “Manger Moments” in the back of the book.

Now for the fun part! How would you like to win your very own copy of The Giving Manger? WorthyKids has graciously offered for me to host a giveaway for one of my readers. To enter simply fill out the form below.

Be sure to click on the banner below to read the thoughts of 28 of my CrewMates who also received this set. Some of them are hosting giveaways as well so you’ll increase your chances to win.
Start a New Christmas Advent Tradition with The Giving Manger
Company ~ WorthyKids
Product ~ The Giving Manger 
Format ~ Hardcover book set that includes a wooden manger, bundle of straw, and a baby Jesus 
Price ~ $39.99 
Ages ~ all ages
Worhty Kids 
 Find WorthyKids on these Social Media Links: 

 © 2008 - 2021 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.
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