Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.

We received a digital download for this Bible study tool. I chose to print this curriculum out and punch it to fit on the disc’s of my big Happy Planner. I also decided to reprint the Books of the Bible At-a-Glance that I received from Teach Sunday School a few years ago to include as well so I would have both to reference as I do my personal Bible study.
Both the Old Testament and the New Testament Breakdowns are formatted in the same way. The top of the page includes the background information for the book as well as colorful graphics that detail the number of chapters, book type, date written, the time period it covers, as well as the author.
Below this information you will find the books of this book broken down in chronological order by chapter, verses, and subject. Each subject is broken down with a brief phrase and popular verses found within that chapter. The blue colored verses indicate a popular Bible verse for quick reference.
I really love the simplicity of these printables and how they enrich my quiet time. I definitely plan on printing these out again for my University girls to bring back with them after Christmas break. Having quick access to key verses on hand will make it easy to find a particular verse whenever they need it. Many of my CrewMates also reviewed these Book-by-Book Bible Breakdowns, be sure to check out their thoughts by clicking the banner below. I wholeheartedly recommend you checking out this Bible study resource!
Company ~ Teach Sunday School
Product ~ Bible Breakdowns
Format ~ digital download
Price ~ $34.99
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