This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Homeschooling High School with The HomeScholar ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. 

 It’s Friday guys and that means I am at the end of our prep time for our upcoming 13th year of homeschooling. For us, we start back on August 23rd and we will be entering our 4th rotation through High School. WHOA, time flies! 
The HomeScholar 

If you are just entering into the high school season you may be stressing about everything, but don’t! I am here to tell you that homeschooling high school does not have to be scary. This summer I have been working through the High School Solution training from The HomeScholar LLC learning a few new things as I go along. 

If you are new to homeschooling or a veteran you may have already heard of Lee Binz. With the help of her husband, Matt, they have become the go to experts for over 15 years, guiding thousands of families through the homeschooling through high school process. The HomeScholar has a variety of products available to help you and we were blessed to be able to receive a 6-month subscription to the High School Solution. 

You’re probably wondering why I would need this product since I have already gone through the high school cycle 3 times? You know what!? I have learned so much in the short 6 weeks I have had access to this program. There are over 50 hours of how-to-homeschooling video trainings and handouts on how to plan for standardized testing like the SAT or ACT and how to homeschool gifted children. Plus there are printable templates for every stage and age starting in middle school. It’s a literal goldmine at your fingertips for a lifetime! 

Throughout the course you will hear Lee emphasize her three core beliefs about homeschooling through high school. They are: 

1. Independently homeschooling provides the best possible learning environment for your children. 
2. Every child, whether or not they are college bound, deserves a college-pre education. 
3. You as the parent are fully capable of providing a superior education for your children.  

To begin, I watched the main presentation for the course. Be warned its over 4 hours long but definitely and an enjoyable time spent. I split up my watching time and listening to the presentation while planning or keeping busy organizing my office and schoolroom. The time really flew by and I gained a lot of new insight. 

University attendance is the focus of this presentation and it is the end goal in our homeschool process. Being able to accomplish this without paying for University education is also high on our list, but that’s for another posting.

I love that this program emphasizes to not be afraid and that you can, in fact, do it! I honestly wish I had access when my oldest, Marie, was in middle school and then again when Madison’s IQ exploded and expanded seemingly overnight in middle school. Haivng access to many of the trainings and courses in The High School Solution would have definitely saved me many sleepless nights and I am sure my hair might be a little less gray  I have navigated three different college prep course loads and processes for my older three girls. Each being a different and separate process including traditional universities, service academies, ROTC, and NCAA.

As I head into the process once again, I find myself being drawn to the middle school process because I am seeing the same IQ/learning tendencies I saw in Madison and Montana now presenting in McKenzie. I think we have a good, solid plan for Montana as she heads into high school and having access to information to help McKenzie navigate middle school in preparation for high school gives me confidence that I can give her the push and pull that she needs as she makes the transition between elementary and high school.

Taming Middle School Anxiety #Homeschool @TheHomeScholar

This quote from the Taming Middles School Anxiety article included in The High School Solution has really stuck out to me, especially as McKenzie is ahead in math and science and our course selections this upcoming school year has raised a few eyebrows. 

 “Middle school is the time to advance in subjects when the student is ready, but it’s also the time to review subjects that still need more time. Some children are right at grade level. Not all children are at a remedial level or ready for advanced classes. They don’t all have to be doing remedial work or high school work; you can do remedial work in certain areas and move ahead into high school work in other areas”.
The HomeScholar 

The High School Solution helps to make the planning and implementing part of homeschooling high school less daunting. With tried and true strategies, Lee will help you formulate a plan of study that gives you confidence to successfully lead your children from freshman year to graduation. Don’t just take my word for it! Over 30 of my CrewMates received access to this program and the others being reviewed including, Total Transcript Solution , Comprehensive Record Solution, and the College Launch Solution. Be sure to click the banner below to read their thoughts.

Homeschool High School to College with The HomeScholar
 Format ~ online 
 Price ~ $197.00 
 Ages ~ homeschooling parents The HomeScholar 

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 © 2008 - 2021 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.
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