This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

True biography of Clara Barton from YWAM Publishing ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.
Hey there! I love adding biographies to our learning so you know I was excited to review another one of the books in the Heroes of History from YWAM Publishing. We were offered several choices from their popular Heroes of History series and this time around we chose to learn about Clara Barton: Courage under Fire

If you are just starting your homeschool journey you may be scratching you head and saying, “YWAM, who”? YWAM Publishing is the publishing division to the Youth With A Mission organization and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. Their mission is to provide quality Christian materials to help fund children and adults around the world through vital missions programs. We received a physical copy of the book and a PDF copy of the study guide for the purpose of this review. I should note the book is available in either paperback, Kindle or Nook version, eBook, or audio book in MP3 or CD formats for just $7.50.
So, lets dig into the book a bit. Did you know that Clara Barton, who was once an extremely timid child, dedicated her life to service of others? She worked tirelessly to save the lives of soldiers during the Civil War. Through her bold and heroic actions she became known as the “Angel of the Battlefield”. She also organized the American Red Cross, how neat is that!
We really love these true biographies of American heroes! We also received a Study Guide to use with our book. Learning through living books makes learning more memorable for all of us so I was especially excited to be able to study about Clara Barton in-depth. The study guide that correlates with the book retails for just $5.49! So, for just under $14.00 you can get It an in-depth study of your favorite historical hero. It is full of activities and projects including:

~ Creative writing prompts 
~ Dramas 
~ Reading comprehension questions
~ Essay writing assignments 
~ Geography 
~ Timeline project 
~ Movie critiquing 
~ Hands on projects, audio visual projects, arts & crafts projects 
~ Games 
~ Many additional resource ideas 
The study guide is designed for both individual and/or group learning. It is also suitable for many age/grade levels because of the wide variety of learning styles presented through the projects and activities offered. 
Student Explorations ~ essay writing, creative writing, hands-on projects, audio/visual projects, arts/crafts

Social Studies ~ reproducible maps, geography, terms/vocabulary, journey tracking, critical thinking 

Bible Study ~ scripture memorization, devotional application, spiritual concepts 

Community Links ~ meaningful field trips, guest speaker ideas, service projects 

Related Themes to Explore ~ missions, current events, life skills, math, government, science 

Bibliography or Related Resources ~ books, movies, documentaries, magazine articles, websites

Culminating Event ~ project displays, cultural food, music, and activities, oral presentations
I really love the lesson presented in this book about Clara Barton! She never gave up, even when pressing forward meant she would lose everything. Such a great lesson for everyone in life! I try to instill this in all of my kids. Keep battling and fighting for your dreams and goals even when things are hard and tough. This book has come at the perfect time for McKenzie as she is battling through a lingering injury that has left her sidelined for much of the gymnastics season. 

Reading how Clara was able to keep pushing through has encouraged her to do so as well for the sport she loves. 
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” —Ambrose Redmoon (quote taken from pg9 of the study guide) 

YWAM has many titles to choose from in their Heros of History series. Be sure to click on the link below to read some of my CrewMates thoughts of the following heroes. 

YWAM Publishing

Christopher Columbus William Bradford Cpt. John Smith William Penn Benjamin Rush Benjamin Franklin George Washington John Adams Meriwether Lewis Daniel Boone Davy Crockett Abraham Lincoln Harriet Tubman Clara Barton Thomas Edison Theodore Roosevelt Milton Hershey George Washington Carver Laura Ingalls Wilder Orville Wright Douglas MacArthur Louis Zamperini Alan Shepard Ronald Reagan Billy Graham Ben Carson 

 Format ~ paperback book 
Price ~ $7.50 Ages ~ 10+
YWAM Publishing
 YWAM Publishing can be found on these Social Media Sites: 

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