Disclaimer: I received a Complimentary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family.
Hi there! Many students struggle or don’t feel as confident with their math facts. Whether they have mastered them or not, learning and memorizing your math facts makes life so much easier as you get higher and higher in math. Last year we had the opportunity to review the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Addition and Subtraction from Math-U-See with Montana and McKenzie. This year I was super excited to be able to use the newest program, Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division with McKenzie, my 5th grader.
So, just what is Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM)? AIM was specifically designed as an intervention program who struggle with the multiplication facts. Studies have shown that when a student lacks the math fact knowledge, it then effects the progression in upper level math. It can be best described as this:
Accelerated ~ The opportunity for Students to move quickly through a skill set they have not yet mastered, without extra distractions.
Individualized ~ Each Student is different, and so are their learning preferences. Using multi approaches, the program creates and encouraging environment for the student to master the skills they need at their own pace.
Mastery ~ means that a student can quickly recall all the math facts using little mental energy while still staying engaged in the problem solving process.
Everything you need to implement this homeschool math program is included. Inside the box you will find:
~ the resource guide
~ information for registering for the online digital videos/toolkit
~ a set of integer blocks
~ math strategy posters
~ and fact check flashcards
There are 10 lessons in this AIM program. The Scope of what will be learned includes:
Lesson 1 ~ Integer Blocks
Lesson 2 ~ Rectangles, Factors, and Product
Lesson 3 ~ Doubles and The Commutative Property of Multiplication
Lesson 4 ~ Tens Facts
Lesson 5 ~ Fives Facts
Lesson 6 ~ Nines Facts
Lesson 7 ~ Multiplication by 3
Lesson 8 ~ Multiplication by 4
Lesson 9 ~ Multiplication by 6
Lesson 10 ~ Extras, Facts Known, and The Distributive Property
Bridge to Division ~ Solve for an Unknown Factor
Bridge to Division ~ Introduction to Division
Before you begin this homeschool math program you need to be sure your student meets the minimum requirements which includes being able to:
~ multiply by 0 and by 1
~ quickly recall your basic addition/subtraction facts
~ recognize the hundreds, tens, and ones place value
~ add/subtract two-digit numbers
~ find half the amount of a number (i.e. half of 60 is 30)
Once these basic requirements are met you are able to verbally administer the Before-AIM Assessment. The teacher should then watch the video that demonstrates how to teach the fact family for the lesson. Also, reading the resource guide for the lesson. The process of completing and learning the lessons follows the same pattern for each of the ten AIM lessons.

Each lesson follows this pattern:
Session A: Present the Lesson Instruction
Session B: Demonstrate concept understanding
Session C: Transition Math Facts to Visual Memory
Session D: Assess for Mastery
Once you know your student has achieved mastery for the lesson, at least a minimum of three times, you move onto the next lesson.
It’s always nice to have a helping hand, and the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) for Multiplication with a Bridge to Division gives you just that! I love that it is so interactive and hands-on, something my children prefer in their learning. McKenzie had great success with this program. She can now recall her multiplication and most of the division facts quickly and without hesitation. Overall, I find this to be an excellent math fact mastery program! If you have a student who is struggling to learn the multiplication math facts, definitely check out the AIM program first! I am making room for this homeschool math program in our resource closet for when it’s Micah’s turn to memorize his math facts. But don’t just take my word for it, check out what 24 of my CrewMates think of this program by clicking the banner below.
Company ~ Math-U-See
Format ~ physical product with digital toolkit
Price ~ $45.00
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