Friday, March 19, 2021

Homeschool fitness with Family Mixed Martial Arts ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.

Happy Friday friends! Earlier this year when we weren’t sure if Micah would have the chance to play baseball we began thinking of other sporting options he could pursue. He showed interest in learning Karate so we began researching places to join. Unfortunately, many of the local studios were not open again because of the pandemic. Thankfully, we were offered a chance to review the Family Mixed Martial Arts Videos Preschool Mixed Martial Arts from Family Mixed Martial Arts Videos.
Family Mixed Martial Arts was created by Niall Yamane from Alabama and is designed for children aged four to seven years old. His homeschool fitness course gives you access to his complete Mixed Martial Arts training. With your membership, your student will be taught self-defense, posture, good sportsmanship, respect, self-discipline, and independence all the while developing balance, coordination, and gross motor skills.
The Family Mixed Martial Arts programs sixteen lessons in the course are taught and demonstrated by the cheerful, Ms. Cheryl, and her child helper. Everything is thoroughly explained and demonstrated before your children are asked to perform any movements. Lessons on proper posture and form are included as well as warm-up drills, stretching, and lessons on character development.

The best part of this program is that you don’t need to have any fancy equipment to do the lessons in your home! Simply log on to the internet on your computer or smart TV and access your account and the 21 lesson videos. Props and accessories that are needed are easily substituted. For example on exercise calls for a Boogie Board. We personally do not own a Boogie Board, but a towel spread out on the floor is a suitable substitute for the exercise.
Each fifteen minute lesson within the program is broken down into smaller section chunks. These sections are short videos that are between two to five minutes in length. The format follows the same flow of a warm-up, Mixed Martial Art technique to be covered, a lesson on character building, review and game section, and finally a fun exercise to finish the lesson. The full course is directed towards the child but there is some parental involvement needed during some of the lessons. Nothing too strenuous, just the child needing a “parent partner” to help with a game.

Using this Family Mixed Martial Arts course was super easy with Micah! Typically, we would use these lessons before we started our school day to help him get his wiggles out. Since this is a mastery-based program we watched several of the lessons more than once and we completed the lessons at his pace focusing on overall physical fitness and building his self-confidence.
Micah did really well with this program, I am super pleased! I really liked how the program focused not just on fitness, but of building the character of the child. Reinforcing this valuable life skill makes this homeschool fitness program a huge success in my book. Family Mixed Martial Arts makes homeschool fitness easy with their Preschool Mixed Martial Arts, but don’t just take my word for it! Be sure to click the banner below and read the reviews and thoughts of my thirteen CrewMates who also had the chance to use the Family Mixed Martial Arts Videos Preschool Mixed Martial Arts.
Family Mixed Martial Arts Videos Preschool Mixed Martial Arts {Family Mixed Martial Arts Videos Reviews}

                                             Our personal rating: 

 Format ~ online lessons 
 Price ~ $84.95 
 Ages ~ 4-7 year olds
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