Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.
Sometimes learning to read can be hard. When the child struggles the mom/teacher may begin to feel as if they are failing their child. I have been there with one of my children. It was so hard to watch this child of mine struggle and for it not to click as easy as reading had for my other children. If you have a child struggling to read, I recommend checking out Failure Free Reading Home Edition. I wish I would have had this program to utilize nine years ago.Failure Free Reading Home Edition is an online program that is geared for students who are having difficulties with learning to read. The Failure Free Reading company has received national recognition for helping to turn struggling readers into confident readers by changing the approach to learning to read. Specifically, this program focuses on reading comprehension. They believe that by improving your student’s reading comprehension is the most helpful way to improve reading skills.
The program is suitable to use with students who have cognitive disabilities, autism, dyslexia, or a hearing imparement. Since the program does not include any cartoons or illustrations that would make an older student hesitant to use the program it is perfect for any and all students who are developmentally six years-old and older.
When you first set up your account, the student needs to take a diagnostic test for level placement. Micah tested into the Red level for reading. Once I had his profile set up with an easy password and picture verification, he is able to log into the program all by himself. The self-paced program is geared for more independent use by the student. The computer reads the material to the student as they progress through the lessons. The parent-led lessons allow the parent to interact and work with the student in a one-on-one setting.

Our personal rating:
Company ~ Failure Free Reading Home Edition
Product ~ Failure Free Reading Home Edition
Format ~ online
Price ~ $150.00 includes access to all four levels of the program
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