Monday, November 23, 2020

2020 Blue Ribbon Awards ~ Our Favorite curriculum reviews

Morning friends! Today marks the end of another year on the Homeschool Review Crew for us. Can you believe we have been a part of this amazing Crew testing and reviewing curriculum and fun products for 10 years! Over the last ten years I have met so many new friends, online and in person, and used curriculum that we never knew existed and needed.

This year we were blessed to review 55 products with my four remaining students at home. As in previous years, the Crew votes for their favorites and the results are in. You can see all the 2020 BLUE RIBBON WINNERS by clicking the link.



This year I am excited to tell you our favorites products below, let’s dig in!


Micah’s (1st grade) favorite:

The Boxcar Children Early Reader Set  from Albert Whitman & Company 



McKenzie’s (5th grade) favorite:

 The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS from Truth Becomes Her



Montana’s (8th grade) favorite:

Bible Unearthed from Drive Thru History® Adventures


Mikayla’s (12th grade) favorite:


My personal favorite:

Young Scholars from Wisdom Wonder Project


Each year I strive to write my best reviews to showcase the products we receive. This year, we were blessed to make The Homeschool Review Crew's  2020 Top Ten on Pinterest for eleven products (*there are a few reviews still out so this list is current as of posting. If I end up on the outstanding reviews I will update this post). 


I hope to be on the Crew again next year bringing you as many reviews as possible. Click on the hyperlinks if you are interested in learning more about the Homeschool Review Crew or you are interested in signing up for the 2021 Crew year

Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving!

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