Thursday, October 8, 2020

Relaxed Homeschool Science from NatureGlo's eScience ~ a TOS review


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.

Hey there! I’m excited to tell you about a Homeschool MathArt program that Montana, my science-loving, artistic daughter has been using. She has loved the idea of reviewing NatureGlo's eScience MathArt & Science Course Bundle from NatureGlo's eScience! Let me tell you a little more about it!

NatureGlo’s eScience was created by Gloria Brooks, an eclectic homeschooler who also is an Unschool Coach and teacher for others wanting to follow that path. Her main goal in her program is to bring to life everyday subject and to give children a love of learning through nature. The courses don’t point to a specific worldview and are very neutral. Through her program children aged 12 and up can learn about a variety of topics through unit studies, electives, or supplemental subjects. 

Once logged into the website you will have access to all the courses available. NatureGlo’s eScience is an online subscription that includes access to 31 courses. Each of the courses offers downloadable materials as will as PowerPoint slide shows, engaging videos, and PDF files. With unlimited access your student gets to explore:

~ Exploring The Giant Redwood Trees 
~ Bubbleology 
~ Geology 
~ Herps Explorers 
 ~ Herps Zoology 
 ~ Introduction to MathArt 
~ Invertebrates 
~ Marine Biology 
 ~ Mammals 
~ MathArt 
~ Marine Reptiles 
~ Marine Zoology 
 ~ Math Connections with the Real World 
~ Life and Mathematical Art

I will say that I had a bit of difficulty navigating the website at first. I found it hard to find exactly where I was supposed to log in to get started, but once we figured it out navigation through the program has been easy. Montana, who just turned 14 years old, is the lover of all things big cats so I was especially excited to see that they had a course specifically on Mammals. Of course Montana had no issue logging into her course and getting started. She was eager to learn new facts about the wildcat and the gray wolf.


The courses are video heavy but Montana liked this format. After watching the video for the day typically there were questions that were asked to check comprehension or to give the student a chance to show what they know about the topic. Montana usually watched several videos in one learning sitting, but that is because she was so interesting in the topic. This was an interesting and exciting course to add to Montana’s curriculum studies. She has always loved cats and now has one because her oldest sister who is allergic has moved out. She has a heart for all animals really, and this course has helped her realized that she does want to focus the rest of her science studies on becoming a zoologist. The next course she plans on completing is the unit study on Komodo Dragons and then dabble into the world of insects.


Overall, this is a gentle approach to science. If you favor a relaxed homeschool science approach, you'll want to check out NaturGlo's eScience MathArt & Science Course Bundle from NatureGlo's eScience. Also be sure to check out what 49 of my CrewMates thought of this program by clicking on the banner below to read their thoughts too!

Product ~ NatureGlo's eScience MathArt & Science Course Bundle 
Format ~ online, self-paced 
Ages ~ 12 and up

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