Monday, August 17, 2020

The LIFE Plan ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.  

 Morning friends! We are in full swing today in our 2020-2021 school year. It’s great to be back and getting into somewhat of a routine. Today I am excited to tell you about a new homeschool Bible curriculum that we have been using from The LIFE Network. We have been using The LIFE Plan for a few weeks now so I am excited to tell you more about it.
The LIFE Plan is a set of six volumes created by Allen L. Elder, an ordained minister from South Carolina where he put together The LIFE Plan for his home church. LIFE stands for Living Intentionally For Eternity and the LIFE Plan is built around the Bible’s story, structure, and service plan for our lives.

Each of the books in this series contain 36 weeks of lessons with each volume having a central theme that all flows together as a set. The Volumes themes include: 

~ The Bible’s Story 
~ Abraham and Israel
~ The Structure of the Bible 
~ The Life of Jesus on Earth 
~ The Church 
~ Your Personal Ministry
Using this curriculum is really easy and user friendly. Since the lessons within the week plan each follow a similar pattern: 
~ the theme/topic 
~ The lesson aim 
~ Scripture reference
 ~ Reading selection, typically just 1-3 pages in length 
~ Lesson outline 
~ More scriptures to broaden your understanding 
~ Theological connections 
~ Lesson glossary 
~ Comprehension questions about the theme passage (don’t worry, the answers are in the back of the book if you need a little help). 
Simply complete one lesson a week to build the strong foundation upon Christ.

The best part of this curriculum is that it can be used for homeschoolers throughout the course of your child’s compulsory education, grades 1-12, by using one volume each year. So if you begin in your child’s first grade year you will go through the series twice, digging a little deeper each time through the topics.

Originally I had planned to use this program for all of my children’s Bible curriculum this year, a different volume for each one. However, with shipping delays due to COVID the Volumes 2-6 of the curriculum did not arrive until the end of July and our Volume 1 arrived a few days later. But I didn’t let shipping delays stop me once we got these books in our hands. Instead, I jumped right into Volume 2, which covers Abraham and Israel, because it lines up perfectly with our history studies this year. Typically I read from the volume during the evening at dinner time. I would look up the scripture as well and read that. Afterwards we would discuss the questions that were provided at the end of the lesson. I like that the way keeps us at the table as a family for just a bit longer.
Overall, I can say that this is a comprehensive study of the Bible. I like the way each section is broken down into tiny chunks so that the information is able to be retained and placed within our hearts. I will continue to follow this same plan of reading and discussing over dinner for this year. I highly recommend you taking a look at this curriculum if you are looking for a disciple-making curriculum for your family. But don’t just take my word for it! Nine of my CrewMates also reviewed this homeschool Bible curriculum. Click the banner below and see what they thought too!
The LIFE Plan - Living Intentionally For Eternity {The LIFE Network Reviews}
Company ~ The LIFE Network 
 Product ~The LIFE Plan 
 Format ~ softcover books, 6 Volumes
 Price ~ $19.95 each 
 Ages ~1st- 12th graders

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