Thursday, July 30, 2020

Homeschool Astronomy from Journey Homeschool Academy ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations. 

Morning friends! It’s crunch time here at A Stable Beginning. Life is full steam ahead as we prepare to return Madison to University, take Mikayla on two recruiting visits, and start our 12th year of homeschooling. All within the same nine day period. To say it’s been busy…well that is a huge understatement. Not to mention how Miss ‘Rona has thrown us a curve ball as I try to navigate it all without our Principal.

One thing that I have been doing is keeping the kiddos actively learning during the summer months. I am trying to minimize the dreadful summer slide so I  was super excited  to have McKenzie and Micah do some summer learning with Experience Astronomy: Elementary from Journey Homeschool Academy.  

Journey Homeschool Academy was created by Luke and Trish Gilkerson in an effort to help students explore the science world of astronomy and biology.Their courses offer video based Christian, homeschool science studies for children in elementary through high school. We received the Experience Astronomy: Elementary that includes 30 lessons all about astronomy. Each lesson is short, approximately 15 minutes. Just enough to grab and engage the attention of your 6-12 year old student. 

The 30 lessons include the following topics: 
1. Why God Loves Astronomy 
2. Who Moved the Sun? 
3. Blazing Summers, Freezing Winters 
4. Spring Forward, Fall Back 
5. Hello, Moon! 
6. There are Giants in the Sky 
7. From North Star to Southern Cross 
8. Stories in the Sky 
9. More Stories in the Sky 
10. Watch out For Wandering Stars! 
11. Around the World 
12. Blackout! 
13. Bye Bye Moon 
14. Falling Rocks and Shooting Stars 
15. Galileo's Head Was On The Block 
16. Earth- Baby Bear's Porridge 
17. Man on the Moon 
18. Mr. Golden Sun 
19. Mercury - The Swift Messenger 
20. Venus - Earth's Fiery Sister 
21. Mars - The Red Planet 
22. Space Rock and Roll 
23. Jupiter - By Jove! It's a Giant! 
24. Saturn - Put a Ring on It 
25. Uranus - A Topsy Turvy World 
26. Neptune - The Blue Giant 
27. Ice, Ice, Baby (Too Cold) 
28. Planets Galore! 
29. The Immeasurable Heavens 
30. The Heavens are the Lord's Heavens 

 Each lesson is chock full of extras including: 

 Reading List ~ recommended books to read aloud or for independent reading. 

 Hands-on activities ~ reinforce the lessons with hands-on learning (our favorite way to learn) 

 Memory work ~ printable flashcards with important facts to remember. These correlate to the memory video. 

Copywork ~ available in both manuscript and cursive to help with handwriting practice. 

Quizzes ~ one for each lesson to test your knowledge. 

The complete year long course retails for just $129.00 and can be used for multiple students within your own family. If you don’t want to do any printing a printed Student Adventure Guide is available to purchase HERE. It’s in full color and ready for you to start your learning journey. There are also student lesson cards available to purchase. 

Overall, McKenzie (10) and Micah (6) have enjoyed our summer learning with Journey Homeschool Academy! This if Micah’s first exposure to astronomy and I love that it is so hands-on for him. He learns best using his hands and he has enjoyed learning about the planets. Typically we study two science disciplines starting in 7th grade, but I am so impressed with this astronomy curriculum that I plan to also use it this year in addition to our main curriculum. We will take it slower, but will be able to finish it by next summer. 

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates think of the Astronomy, Upper Biology, and elementary Biology programs that were reviewed by clicking the banner below.

Experience Biology: Elementary Level, Upper Level and Experience Astronomy: Elementary {Journey Homeschool Academy Reviews}

Company ~ Journey Homeschool Academy 
 Product ~ Experience Astronomy: Elementary 
 Format ~ online science instruction 
 Price ~ $129.00 
 Ages ~ 6-12 year olds

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