Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Math Shed and Spelling Shed from Ed Shed ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.  

Do you like to add digital learning to your daily learning in your homeschool? If so, let me tell you about Math Shed and Spelling Shed.
The Educational Shed (Ed Shed) company created Math Shed and Spelling Shed as an online subscription to help 1st-5th graders practice math and spelling skills. The Ed Shed company focuses on helping students have a strong foundation in reading and math skills. We received 12 months of access to both Math Shed and Spelling Shed for McKenzie and Micah, who are rising 5th and 1st graders. Typically the subscription gives you access for up to five students, so it is great for large families. To set the kids up was really simple. I just created and account for each of them with a user name and password and they were set to explore. Let me tell you a little about each program.
Math Shed is an online game to help your student drill math facts. allows your student to practice their math facts in several different game categories. The choices are Number Bonds, Times Tables, Add & Subtract, Powers of 10, and more. When you choose a game you get the choice of three levels of play Easy, Medium, or Hard. During the Times Tables game you get to choose which fact families to focus on and whether or not you want to do multiplication or division.

Spelling Shed covers both spelling and vocabulary instruction in game format with a cute bee theme. You have the ability to choose your own words to study or to utilize the 4,000 words within the program. Spelling Shed is broken into Stages of learning. There are 5 Stages, Stage 1 @ 2, Stage 3, Stage 4& 5. As with the Math Shed you have the option to choose Easy, Medium, Hard, or Extreme level of work. There are also bonus games within Spelling Shed to continue the spelling fun.

Throughout the program your student can earn “honey pots” that can be used to purchase items for their own personal avatar. Both of my kids enjoyed creating their own avatars to use with their login. The Teacher’s Hub is the spot for the teacher to track progress as well as where you will find 36 weeks of spelling curriculum for grades K-5 as well as power point presentations. There are worksheets and other helpful lesson plans to help you the teacher plan out the curriculum. Upon looking these over, I found them to be geared towards a classroom setting, but with a little adaptation they could easily be used within a homeschool setting.
I like this program and I can see us continuing to utlitlze it’s content through the end of our subscription. My kids played the games on our school iPad and I like that it is portable for our on the go learning. The set up is not too overly distracting and the theme of each game is appealing to the eye. McKenzie seemed to enjoy it more because she could do more within both programs. Micah had difficulty using the Spelling Shed just because his knowledge of words is not there yet, but he did enjoy the Math Shed and the games.
If you are interested in trying out these products from Ed Shed they have a 30-day free trial period. You do not need to enter credit card information and if you enjoy it, the annual subscription price is just $24.95. 80 of my CrewMates have linked up their thoughts on both programs so be sure to check out what they think of Math Shed and Spelling Shed by clicking the banner below.
Spelling Shed & Math Shed {Education Shed Reviews}

Company ~ Ed Shed 
 Product ~ Math Shed and Spelling Shed 
 Format ~ online 
 Price ~ $24.95 annual subscription 
 Ages ~ 1st - 5th graders
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