Thursday, June 18, 2020

Exploring the U.S. Life-Saving Service 1878-1915: 17 Student Workshops with 120 Activities ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.  

A few weeks ago we were given the chance to review Rebecca Locklear's Exploring the U.S. Life-Saving Service 1878-1915: 17 Student Workshops with 120 Activities. My children have all been involved with Scouts at some point in their lives and this curriculum has given us a first hand look at the early Coast Guard history.
Exploring the U.S. Life-Saving Service 1878-1912 is written by fellow homeschool mom, Rebecca Locklear. Her great-grandfather, Skipper Eldredge, was one of the Life Savers for over 15 years so she was able to hear of the harrowing stories from him. With a hands-on approach to learning you will find over 120 activities to keep your 4th-12th graders busy learning.

Personally, I never knew who the U.S. Life-Saving Service was before receiving this book. These hard-working men were the ones out on the waters risking their lives to save ships before the Coast Guard was officially formed.

This 117 page curriculum comes in both print and digital formats. For this review we received the digital copy. Throughout this unit your student will be able to participate in hundreds of English and history activities from post-Civil War to World War I including:
~ Games 
~ Cooking 
~ Music 
~ Drama 
~ Science 
~ Research 
~ Art 
~ Stories

This curriculum focuses on the rescues made in the upper east water ways. The men that joined this Life-Saving group were pushed to the max as far as stamina and abilities. Getting along, trusting your fellow life-savers, and surviving was the main goal and as one of the men put it: “The Blue Book says we have togo out [to rescue people]. It doesn’t say a thing about coming back.”

This curriculum is full of details of just what it was like to be apart of this Life-Saving group. I love all of the black and white photos that are inside that give us a first hand look at daily life. While I read the stories aloud we frequently would stop and go down some rabbit trail and explore a topic more. My son, who is 6, was especially interested in the pictures of all the ships. While my girls enjoyed the sections on the baking. We enjoy seafood in our house so learning just what it took to get a meal during this time was interesting as well. We are not huge fans of Molasses or gingerbread, but learning the way in which it was made back in the day was interesting.
Overall, this curriculum has been a great treasure to explore. I can see us coming back to this curriculum when my son gets older to use apart of his history program or during our summer learning studies. Do yourself a favor and head on over to Rebecca Locklear's website and sign up for her emails so you can stay up to date on all of the happenings. But, don’t just take my word for it. Be sure to take a look at what my CrewMates thought of this book and the other curriculum, The Mayflower at Cape Cod - Stories, activities, and research that connect 1620 with life today, that was also reviewed. I have already placed a digital copy my wish list in Teacher’s Pay Teachers for when we get to that era of history in a few years.

Company ~ Rebecca Locklear 
 Format ~ PDF download
 Price ~ $10.95 digital PDF download 
 Ages ~ 4th-12th graders
Social Media Links: 

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