Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.
Math…it’s not my favorite subject but we get it done each day because it’s a necessity of life. I am always on the lookout for extra math practice for my kids for while we are on the go. Lately we have been using a few of the Math Galaxy Time and Money Riddles eBook and the Whole Numbers Balloon Pop App from Math Galaxy.
When we received access to these products we were still in our gymnastics travel season so it was excellent for learning on the go! Math Galaxy provides math games through apps and math worksheets. The eBooks were sent to us in an email that contains the zip files. Opening them up to extract and save the files to my computer was easy. I do like the fact that the worksheets are in color! You can however print them grayscale if you want to save ink. We were blessed to receive several of the eBooks including:
Fractions Riddles eBook covers all things fractions like how to identify them, equivalent fractions, how to reduce fractions, as well as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. Everything you could possibly want to know about fractions is included.
Pre-Algebra eBooks includes decimals, proportions, and percents. You will also find worksheets on lengths, volumes, and area.
Algebra Riddles eBooks contains exponents, scientific notations and solving algebraic equations as well as word problems.
We also received several of the Math Galaxy apps including:
4th Grade Math, 7th Grade Math, Pre-Algebra Fundamentals, Algebra Fundamentals, Fraction & Decimal Riddles, Whole Number Riddles, Times Tables Balloon Pop, and Zombie Numbers
There are so many apps to choose from, the creator has everything from PreK to SAT Math and are available through the App Store for iPhone or iPad usage. I loaded our apps onto our school iPad mini for the kids to use. The user can choose which topic to work on as well as if they want the Traditional way of learning, Common Core, or an Alternative method. Immediate feedback is given if you get the answer correct. If you get the answer wrong there is video feedback available too.
My kids have enjoyed these apps for on the go learning. I like them as well because they can instantly see how to do a problem if they need a different video instruction for a concept. My son, who is in Kindergarten, likes to challenge himself with the Zoombie game. He has already taught himself how to count by 2’s, to ten, and now he is working on his 5’s.
But don’t just take our word for it. Check out what 53 of my CrewMates think of the Apps and eBooks from Math Galaxy by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Math Galaxy
Product ~ Math apps and eBooks
Format ~ Apps for the iPad or iPhone
Ages ~ Pre-K through 12th

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