Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Harriet Tubman: Freedombound ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations. 

I always like to incorporate fun projects into our everyday learning so I was super excited to have Montana complete a creative book report after reading the Harriet Tubman: Freedombound in February from the Heroes of History series of books from YWAM Publishing. Learning through living books makes learning more memorable for my kids. And because it was Black History Month when we were offered a selection, I knew I wanted to add the Harriet Tubman:Freedombound book to our ever-growing Heroes of History collection.
History is a favorite subject of mine right after science, and since we use a mostly Classical, literature-based approach to homeschooling we get to read a lot. As I said, we have several titles from this collection, as well as the Christian Heroes Then & Now series, as our main history program uses many of these great books.
YWAM Publishing is the publishing division to the Youth With A Mission organization and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. Their mission is to provide quality Christian materials to help fund children and adults around the world through vital mission’s programs. We received a physical copy of the book, Harriet Tubman: Freedombound as well as a PDF copy of the study guide for this review. The book retails for $7.50 and is also available in Kindle or Nook versions, along with eBook, or audio book in MP3 or CD formats also for just $7.50.
At the tender age of six Harriet Tubman was taught what it meant to be a slave as she was whipped. From that day forth she determined that one day she would escape to the north to be free. The remarkable Harriet Tubman, also known as Moses, helped hundreds of slaves escape to the north on the Underground Railroad. Until the day she died on March 10, 1913, countless times she risked her own life to see that her people would be free.
The suggested age range for this biography is 10 and up. Montana, who is 13, had no trouble in reading and comprehending this 193 page book. She was tasked to create a poster board depicting the main character in the book and to give us a presentation of the synopsis. Because Montana loves to draw and be creative this was the perfect book report style for her.
YWAM also includes a 61-page Unit Study for this book that is designed for both individual or group learning. this study guide is suitable for a wide variety of learning styles because of the many different types of projects and activities offered. It includes many projects and writing assignments to keep you busy and engaged with what you are learning. There is so much in this guide for all ages including: 
 ~ Creative writing prompts  ~ Dramas  ~ Reading comprehension questions  ~ Essay writing assignments ~ Geography  ~ Timeline project  ~ Movie critiquing  ~ Hands on projects, audio visual projects, arts & crafts projects ~ Games  ~ Many additional resource ideas
Overall, we have truly enjoyed this book selections! I know I can count on the quality of workmanship from the YWAM Publishing company. Many of their books grace our overflowing bookshelves and I would gladly remove another title to make room for one from YWAM Publishing. Be sure to check out what 74 of my CrewMates thought of this book/study guide combination as well as the other titles that were reviewed by clicking the banner below.

 Betty Greene  ~ C.S. Lewis ~ Gladys Aylward ~  Jacob DeShazer ~ Amy Carmichael ~             Corrie Ten Boom

Christopher Columbus ~ William Bradford ~ Cpt. John Smith ~ William Penn ~ Benjamin Rush ~ Benjamin Franklin ~ George Washington ~ John Adams ~ Meriwether Lewis ~ Daniel Boone ~  Davy Crockett ~ Abraham Lincoln ~ Harriet Tubman ~ Clara Barton ~ Thomas Edison ~      Theodore Roosevelt ~ Milton Hershey ~ George Washington Carver ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder ~  Orville Wright ~ Douglas MacArthur ~ Louis Zamperini ~ Alan Shepard ~ Ronald Reagan ~       Billy Graham ~ Ben Carson

32 Heroes of History {YWAM Publishing Reviews}
 Product ~ Heroes of History ~ Harriet Tubman: Freedom-bound
Format ~ paperback book, ISBN: 978-1-883002-90-9
Price ~ $7.50 
Ages ~ 10 and up

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