This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Christian Apologetics Course from Pilgrim's Rock ~ a TOS review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Every once in a while we are given the opportunity to review a product that I am not fully convinced we need and then I am totally blown away. Today I want to share with you one of these products that I didn’t know that I needed but I am so glad I have it! If you are studying Christian Apologetics or beginning to plan what you will be using next school year with your high schooler, you want to make sure you check out The Unbreakable Faith Course from Pilgrim’s Rock, LLC.

The Unbreakable Faith Course is written by Craig Biehl to strengthen your faith through clear presentation of the infinite excellence of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Pilgrim’s Rock mission is to “Build strong faith, comfort, and joy in Christ by teaching the infinite excellence of God and the Gospel, the reasonableness of faith, and the irrationality of unbelief”. Through sound theological resources, Pilgrim’s Rock seeks to equip Christian students and parents with knowledge necessary to defend the faith.

Just look at the world around us and you can see we are in a spiritual battle. All you need to do is turn on the tv or listen to the radio and you can see firsthand the battle that evil is waging. Our job as Christian parents is to instill in our children the Biblical truths that they can carry on to the next generation. To equip them in a strong faith that will carry them through life’s trials and tribulations, especially when they leave the nest and head off to University.

The Unbreakable Faith course is written to students 15 years and older. When this review first was offered I imagined that my 17 year old would use it independently. However, things changed in her schedule to make this impossible this year (she will take this course her Senior year of High School instead so that she is ready for University life) so I stepped in to be the student. And let me tell you I am so glad I did! This course is amazing and I have grown so much in the last six weeks. Let me tell you a little more about it.

For a typical High School Student this course will provide one credit when completed. The majority of the self-paced, 36 week course is found online, however, there are two “textbooks” required for the course as well. These are available as PDF eBooks or Physical copies. We received physical copies.

A detailed syllabus is included and it breaks down everything from weekly assignments, quizzes, and tests. I love this, because you know exactly what needs to be done and when. My favorite part of the course has to be the video portion. Altogether there are 38 videos for the course. Every morning I been reading my portion of the book and then watching the corresponding video. These video’s are short, roughly 10-15 minutes, but are jam-packed with beautiful images and audio.

So far I have progressed through the first textbook, The Box, and completed the first quiz. The quiz is timed and is multiple choice and true/false type of questions. Feedback is given once the quiz is completed and then you are able to move on to the next section. Right now I am on chapter two of God the Reason. The format of the course is similar to a college course and will definitely cause you to think and process what you believe. The author even has scheduled office hours, which are live video chats, where you can meet and ask any questions you have. Being the introvert that I am, I did not take advantage of these but I am glad that the option is there.

Completing the first section of this Course has helped me grow more confident in my ability to talk with unbelievers. By no means am I fully ready to engage with a professed atheist or unbeliever, but I am not as intimidated since taking this course and learning how to defend what I believe. Overall, I am pleased with each part of this course and recommend you checking it out if you are looking for an Apologetics course. But don’t just take my word for it, thirty-four of my CrewMates have also reviewed this course. Check out their thoughts by clicking the banner below.

The Unbreakable Faith Course {Pilgrim's Rock, LLC Reviews}
 Format ~ online course with two textbooks 
 Price ~ $37.00 for 1 year of access 
 Ages ~ 15 years and up

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