Friday, November 1, 2019

Calvert Homeschool Online ~ a TOS review

About six weeks into our new homeschool year I felt as if I were drowning. Things were not going as planned and I felt like we were falling behind each and every day. Like throw me a life vest because I can’t even tread water anymore. That’s about the time that I saw that Calvert Homeschool Online was going to be offered for review. After checking into the program I knew I needed to get on this review to use specifically with Mikayla, my Junior.  Calvert Homeschool gave us 6 months of access to their full line of courses for three students.

Calvert Homeschool Online is an online curriculum that offers individual and family plans for grades 3-12. While my focus was for Mikayla, I did have Montana, 7th grade, and McKenzie, 4th grade, sign up for an account as well. I have Mikayla enrolled in Physics, Economics, and Government, while Montana and McKenzie each did grade level science courses.

There are placement tests for those needing help selecting the best fit for courses. Your student is able to work at or below grade level which is a nice feature and the amount of courses to choose from is a great variety.

Getting started was relatively easy once I received my log in information. I simply signed up for an account and then created student accounts for the girls. To get the program running I had to select start and end dates as well as how many days the courses would be used. There are several options for the parent to select as far as how tests and quizzes are handled and how much feedback is supplied to the student.

The parent dashboard is the hub of the program where you can track everything from grades to assignments. You can also conveniently reschedule assignments to another day if needed. Everything you need is at your fingertips to see how your child is progressing.

I have always been curious about Calvert Homeschool since I have heard their name in homeschool circles for years.  When they offered their Calvert Homeschool Online program with access to all the courses, I knew I wanted to check it out to help supplement her online studies. Mikayla was my main focus for this review because she was struggling to keep up with her online physics course. I wanted her to see the physics presented in a different way and I am happy to say that the Calvert approach is working for Physics and Government. The ability to have the material read to her as she follows along helps her tremendously. There are several different voices to choose from. She enjoyed picking the voice to be read to her in a British accent.  The ability to have the material read aloud is also my favorite feature of the program.

She is now back on track with her courses and I owe that to Calvert for giving the extra support and different teaching style. The fact that it is portable is another huge plus for us! We were able to take her school work on the go so she could work on it while at the gym or on the way to physical therapy. Montana and McKenzie did not mesh well with this program. But that’s OK! They are very much book learners so this was not a good fit for them.

Calvert Homeschool Online {Calvert Homeschool Reviews}
Overall, Mikayla will continue to use the program for the rest of our subscription to help her in Physics and Government. Be sure to read the other reviews from my CrewMates to see if this would be a good fit for your family and students by clicking the banner below.

Calvert Homeschool Online {Calvert Homeschool Reviews}

Price ~ Family plan $ 
Ages ~3rd-12th grades

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