Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Soundsory: Sound for Life Ltd ~ a TOS review

Welcome back friends! I am excited to share a great review with you today from Sound for Life Ltd. A few years ago we received the Forebrain, so I was really excited to try their new Soundsory headset with Micah.

I am sure you already know that God designed an awesome thing when he gave us our brain! The brain is essentially the crown jewel of our body, the powerhouse that makes everything go. With the help of the Soundsory, you child can get a music and movement program for the brain and body to work in tandem.

Soundsory was designed to help children with: 
~ Motor delays, balance, and/or coordination
~ Children on the Autism spectrum or with developmental delays 
~ Sensory and Auditory processing disorders 
~ ADD and ADHD 

I used this product specifically with my son Micah, who is a typical 5 year old Kindergarten boy. He has none of the conditions stated above but he does struggle with sitting still and concentrating. I honestly figured it was because he is a boy and I have had 5 easy going girls before him. So when this review popped up, I was eager to try it out to sit if it would help him sit for a little longer.

So, how does this work? Quite simply! Soundsory is a multi-sensory program that stimulates the auditory and vestibular systems. Each session is meant to last 30 minutes with 25 minutes of listening activities combined with 5 minutes of movement exercises. With my son, we were able to use this headset device to help Micah make better connections while he is learning to read.

I will have to say that this works for him. He enjoys listening to the music activities while working on his reading lessons. We didn’t really utilize the movement activities because he is quite coordinated already. But when checking them out to see what they involved he did enjoy bouncing and jumping about.
Soundsory {Sound for Life Ltd Reviews}
Don’t just take my word for it though! 31 of my CrewMates were also able to use the Soundsory in their homeschool. Read their thoughts and opinions and figure out if this is something one of your children can use. I am excited to continue to use this with Micah as he grows. Click the banner below to read all the reviews.

Soundsory {Sound for Life Ltd Reviews}

Product ~ Soundsory 
Price ~ $299.00 
Ages ~ all ages
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