Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Explore England in the adventure novel, Britfield & the Lost Crown ~ a TOS review

We love a good book in our house so I am really excited to tell you about the newest book that Montana has just finished called Britfield & the Lost Crown. Its a fast-paced story that leads you through an adventure in England with two orphans, Tom and Sarah.

Britfield & the Lost Crown is the first book in a series of five novels written by C.R. Stewart. This novel is penned for kids aged 10-18 and gives detailed highlights of places that Mr. Stewart has visited himself. The details within the pages makes the adventure come to life as you read. We received a physical paperback copy of this book and I am excited to tell you that it has earned a spot on our bookshelf.

This book is about two best friends named, Tom and Sarah, who are orphans at the Weatherly Orphanage. After learning that Tom’s mom and dad might still be alive, he and his best friend, Sarah, escape from the orphanage to try to get to London.

While on the run, they are chased by a famous Scotland Yard detective set on bringing them back to Weatherly. Luckily, they escaped the grasp of the detective and ran into the country and caught a hot air balloon. After narrowly escaping and being chased by the famous Scotland Yard detective in a helicopter the two safely reach the the shores of Dover after first making a pitstop at Oxford University.

While at Oxford they meet a couple of professors who helped hide them from the police. At Windsor Castle, they meet Philipp, who is on the Queen’s staff. When talking about the one clue Tom has to his parents, Britfield, it is revealed that Tom may be apart of the real royal family line who supposedly was killed years ago. Meaning that he is the true heir to the British throne.

Montana really enjoyed this 394 paged book and is excited for the next installment, Britfield & the Rise of the Lion, to be released in 2020. Here are some of her thoughts…

“I liked the book because it is interesting and a good read. I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read about friendship and loyalty because they will find it interesting and exciting”.

I love that this novel provides an accompanying study guide. It is 83 pages and provides an 8-week in-depth study broken down, chapter by chapter. There are many activities found within the study guide including vocabulary, comprehension questions, matching, and fill in the blank type problems. I chose to just let Montana read this book for fun, instead of making it a literary analysis.

When I had questions about the story, I referred to the study guide for the comprehension questions to help fill in the gaps for myself. The Britfield website also includes several free teacher resources that will help you dig deeper into the story and era as well as helpful historical facts and beautiful pictures of landmarks etc.

Britfield & the Lost Crown  {Reviews}
Be sure to read what my CrewMates think of this award-winning book by clicking the banner below. Some reviewed the audio book while others reviewed the softcover paperback. I know we are excited for the installment!

Britfield & the Lost Crown  {Reviews}

Format ~ 394 paged softcover paperback , ISBN: #978-1-7329612-1-0 
 Price ~ $16.99 
 Ages ~ 10-18 years

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