This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2019 ~ 2020 NOT Back to {Home}School ~ Homeschooling my Final 4: Scheduling

Welcome back guys! Today I am excited to share a little interview with my kiddos as well as how I plan to implement our schedule. Let's get started.

My oldest at home will be Mikayla, a Junior. She has been homeschooled since 1st grade, but if you count the time where she was not able to go to school due to an undiagnosed Gallbladder flair and surgery, she has been homeschooled since Kindergarten. She missed nearly four months of school back then when she wasn't able to go or stay at school.

1. What is one thing you want to do this school year?

~ I plan to work really hard on my studies so I can be a classified as an "Early Academic Qualifier" for NCAA purposes at the end of my Junior year.

2. What is your favorite subject and why?

~ Lunch, because that means the school day is almost over. {this is her answer every year. At least she is consistent :-)}

3. What is your favorite color?

~ Red

4. Name three words that describe you.

~ Indescribable, Quiet, and Unique

5.  If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

~ Europe

6. What is your favorite book?

~ Harry Potter

7. What are you looking forward to this school year?

~ Learning German

Montana has never been to a traditional brick & mortar school and has been learning at home since birth. She is my deep thinker and needs to be challenged academically, like Madison. Lately we have noticed a few similar tendencies that Madison had around this age so now we are better equipped to help Montana excel. Madison scored really well on her Standardized testing and now I know how to approach this stage and help Montana reach her full potential.  

1. What is one thing you want to do this school year?

~ Art classes at Co-Op.

2. What is your favorite subject and why?

~ Reading, because I like to read interesting novels.

3. What is your favorite color?

~ Crimson Red

4. Name three words that describe you.

~ Shy, Artsy, and Bookworm

5.  If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

~ Japan

6. What is your favorite book?

~ The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen

7. What are you looking forward to this school year?

~ starting 7th grade

My sweet McKenzie, how can she be in 4th grade already! This girl loves Science and is taking two science classes this year. She is still a little bit, but packs a big punch in her studies and in the gym. Don't tell her she "can't" because she will prove you wrong and will do it! She is still a bit of a perfectionist, but getting better at letting things go and moving on. I can't wait to see her shine this year as she turns double digits!

1. What is one thing you want to do this school year?

~ Science

2. What is your favorite subject and why?

~ Science because I think it's fun! I am excited to learn Chemistry and Physics this year.

3. What is your favorite color?

~ Teal

4. Name three words that describe you.

~ Helpful, Funny, and Playful.

5.  If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

~ Paris

6. What is your favorite book?

~ I just read Cleopatra in Space and it was good.

7. What are you looking forward to this school year?

~ Lv 7 gymnastics

My baby is in Kindergarten! Not sure I am mentally prepared for this guys! {Just kidding, I am}.  I love this age so it's going to be a fun filled year of hands-on learning for Micah. He is especially looking forward to learning to read and going to Co-Op with his friends. 

1. What is one thing you want to do this school year?

~ More painting

2. What is your favorite subject and why?

~ Alphabet and phonics because I want to learn to read.

3. What is your favorite color?

~ Green

4. Name three words that describe you.

~ Energetic, Playful, and Happy.

5.  If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

~ Co-Op and baseball field

6. What is your favorite book?

~ Books about Jesus

7. What are you looking forward to this school year?

~ hands-on school/play

I always enjoy hearing the kids answer these questions before starting a new year. Do you interview your kids? If not, I would try it and see what they say.

Let's shift gears and talk scheduling. Over the course of the last two years I have come to rely on my planners heavily. In my daily planner I write a TOP 3 for the things that I must get done each day plus any appointments etc. In my school planner I write out the kids lessons and then on Sunday afternoon the girls copy into their own planners what needs to be completed for the week. I will check them once they are done.

If it seems as if I am a bit hardcore with the planner, it's because I am a bit of a stickler with the girls writing in their planners. I encourage them also not to use too many abbreviations. After all, if you can't read what you wrote, there is a big chance that you will forget it. Plus, if it's clearly written in the planner then you won't miss an assignment that is due. Mikayla has four online classes this year and hopefully sitting for two AP tests in the spring, so hopefully the tools that I have instilled in her over the years with help as she transitions to online and more independence.

This year my gymnasts have a fall training schedule that will be better suited for our schooling needs. I am so happy that their coach took the concerns of the parents into account and met us halfway. Yes, this will be the first time in a long while where both girls have evening practice a few days a week, but they will be done early evening and we will have the mornings to do school and instill some of the values I felt were missing. In fact, I may even be able to implement a full Morning Time again or at least just one day a week. Mikayla will have Saturday school again this year, but she is determined to be an "Early Academic Qualifier"  for the NCAA Clearinghouse at the end of this year so she has not complained too much about it.

Our mornings start very early. This year, the girls will all start at 7AM and work for 50 minutes before we have to leave for the gym on gym days. In my mind, I think that is enough time for me to lecture Mikayla in Math and hopefully Grammar before she heads to train. My younger two should be able to complete their Bible, Vocabulary, Handwriting (if needed), and Growth Mindset in that time as well. Micah will have a set activity or free play during this time. Once we get back from dropping off at the gym we will continue to work as needed. I am guessing that I will only need an hour and a half to school with Micah and then he will play quietly and listen to read aloud etc.

2019 Annual Not Back to School Homeschool Blog Hop
I'll also be working late again this year. My limit is 9:30PM because my brain just can't think straight. Mikayla is not taking Latin this year, but she is starting German and I plan to learn along with her...just not at 9 o'clock at night. I already know my first complete sentence in German about not using cellphones...the kids love it! {NOT! :-)} I'm looking forward to a great year starting on Monday!

Have you already started school?

I hope you'll join me tomorrow as I share our 2019 ~ 2020 Plan of Study. Until then, be blessed and shoot me any questions you have for the Q & A on Friday. Check out what my CrewMates are blogging about and link up your own posts below.

Yvie @ Homeschool On the Range – 5 Days of Upper Grades Homeschooling
Kimberley @ Vintage Blue Suitcase – Roadschooling with a Teenager
Yvonne @ The Life We Build – 5 Days of Relaxed Homeschooling 
Destiny @ Some Call It Destiny – Encouragement for the Homeschooling Mom
Karen @ Tots and Me…Growing Up Together –  A Peek into Our Homeschool
Cassie D @ Deputie Tribe – Homeschooling 6 Taking Care of YOU

© 2008 - 2019 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. 

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