The story in the Bible is unnamed, but Jarm has given her the name of Miriam. The Heart Changer tells the story of a twelve year of girl named Miriam, who is taken captive from her own country and taken to Siria and ensalved to a Sirian Captain as his wife. Guess who the Sirian Captian is? Namaan from the Bible!
So now, Miriam, with hatred in her heart struggles to serve her captive who took her away from her family. Not only does Miriam have to deal with being captive, she also has to live among people who do not worship her God.
Wow! How would you survive in a situation like this? Would you allow God to change your heart just as he did for Miriam? These are some of the situations that Miriam has lived through.

I received a hard copy of her new book but it is also available in eBook versions as well. I read this book aloud to my two younger daughters, aged 9 and 12 the first week the book arrived. They enjoyed the book and there favorite part was most definitely when we all realized that Miriam’s family was safe and unharmed.
There is also a Teacher’s Guide to accompany the book. You can find it on the webstie. It is twelve pages long and includes a section to get to know Miriam deeper, information about leprosy, and also Sirian recipes to try out.

Company ~ teacher -
Product ~ The Heart Changer
Genres ~ Children & Young Adult, Fiction, Middle Grade
ISBN: 9781620208687
Price: $12.99
Ages ~ Middle school aged

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