Thursday, May 2, 2019

Hamelin Stoop Series ~ a TOS review

Happy Thursday friends! It’s been a busy week here at A Stable Beginning but I am excited to share a great new book series for your middle schoolers today. My middle schooler, Montana (12) has been reading the first two books in the brand new Hamelin Stoop Series from 12 Gates Publishing. We received both Hamelin Stoop: The Eagle, The Cave, and the Footbridge (Book 1) and Hamelin Stoop: The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna (Book 2) for her to read. Let me tell you a little more!

The books of the Hamelin Stoop are penned by Robert B. Sloan who is widely known for his public speaking engagements, higher education leadership, and nonfiction writings. Mr. Sloan’s passion for telling a great story shines through the pages of these books.
“I think stories are powerful. They shape us and they influence us in ways that abstract philosophies and ideologies cannot.”
The target audience for these fantasy genre books are for children for the middle school children 6th grade and up to young adult readers. With just over 300 pages each they are perfect for kids and families looking for a clean fantasy series. The books in this series are written with a biblical worldview.
Our time with Hamelin Stoop, the main character begins in his infancy when he is dropped off on the porch of a children’s home. His mother fears being caught by wicked trackers and does the most daring thing by leaving her new baby inside a tomato box inside the screened porch.

Hameline’s life is not an easy path of a normal little boy. He grows up not belonging to anyone, yet to everyone. To make matters worse the people he grows closet to at the children’s home seem to keep leaving him left and right. Everything comes to a head when the children’s home forgets his eighth birthday and Hamelin decides to run away from his caregivers hoping to find his parents.

While on the run he discovers a mysterious cave near a footbridge with a Great Eagle. The Eagle tells Hamelin of a secret mission to help save a girl. In order to begin the mission he must first cross a shaky footbridge that leads across an enormous chasm. But is Hamelin brave enough?

In the second book of the series, The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna, we greet Hamelin as he has finally made it across the footbridge. Still on his quest to find his parents we find Hamelin joining the cause to help a young man recover a stolen jewel as well as a princess looking for her lost sister. As the Great Eagle leads Hamelin through the dangerous Waters of Death and Life and into the Land of Gloaming, Hamelin finds himself caught up in a bitter war between good, a mysterious Ancient One and an evil fire-breathing dragon, Chimera.

 “Hamelin Stoop’s story will capture minds, inspire hearts, and leave its readers eagerly awaiting the next volume.” 

Montana is a strong reader who is just finishing up her 6th grade year and she has enjoyed reading these books. She is just now starting the second book and has picked up on the biblical allegory inside them. We have been able to have some lively discussions because of this which has been great. The entire series will have a total of six or seven books in the complete series and we are excited to read more!

If you are looking for a new book series for your middle schooler this is definitely a series you should check out! I am nothing but pleased with it and have already recommended it to my friends with middle schoolers. But don’t just take my word for it! Check out what 49 of my CrewMates thought of this series by clicking the banner below and reading their reviews.

The Eagle, The Cave, and the Footbridge (Book 1) & The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna (Book 2) {12 Gates Publishing  Reviews}
The Eagle, The Cave, and the Footbridge (Book 1) & The Lost Princess and the Jewel of Periluna (Book 2) {12 Gates Publishing  Reviews}
 Format ~ paperback book 
 Price ~ $23.98 plus shipping 
 Ages ~ middle schoolers to young adults
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