This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Homeschool Science Curriculum from Supercharged Science ~ a TOS review

Morning friends!

Today I am excited to share with you a hands-on science curriculum that will have your kids begging to do more. You might not be super confident in teaching science or you may think it is boring. In either case I am here to tell you that science does not have to be the same old boring subject day in and day out. It can be supercharged and exciting when you find the right program that fits your needs. And that’s exactly what has happened in our house when we started using the e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum from Supercharged Science.

Supercharged Science generously provided us with a full year of access to e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum for all levels, K-12. It’s really easy to get excited about science in our house. My kids love it and so do I. When I found out that we were to receive a year subscription for Supercharged Science I did a happy dance. Yes. Yes, I did! Supercharged Science’s e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum is an online science program complete with over 1000 activities and experiments to do in all the science categories, including Earth Science and Advanced Astronomy.

Supercharged Science was started by Al and Aurora Lipper 10 years ago with the mission of improving the way kids learn science. Aurora is an accomplished Rocket Scientist who received her Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cal-Poly State University and went on to become one the youngest instructors in engineering at Cal-Poly State University. Pretty impressive!

Something new this year is that there are two main ways to use this program. Choose between studying a specific topic or learn by grade level.Topics ~ everything from matter, to energy, to thermodynamics is covered. There are “advanced topics” for high schoolers as well. With so many topics to explore, you’re sure to find something just right for you! Grade Level ~ Study a specific grade level appropriate topics all arranged for you. For example the 7th grade year includes studying topics in Life Science, Energy, and Physics of Light & Lasers.

With over 1,000 videos on hundreds of science topics, the e-Science Premium Membership guides kids step-by-step through hands-on activities, projects and experiments. The lessons in the e-Science program are formatted so that children actually DO the lesson and discover on their own, rather than watching someone else do them. There is a video of Aurora doing the experiment if you want to watch that as well.

There are multiple ways to use this curriculum, you can use it as: 

~ as a stand alone K-12 unit study. Check out this page and find out what units are offered. 
~ use the program concurrently with your favorite science curriculum. A handy conversion chart is provided to help you combine e-Science with many of the popular science programs out there including Apologia, Considering God’s Creation, REAL Science, God’s Design, Bob Jones, A Beka and more! 
~ as a delight directed approach show your child the list of topics and let them choose what interests them most.

The e-Science programs includes: 

 • Access to self-guided lessons that kids can complete on their own 
 • Detailed video instruction taught by a real Rocket Scientist 
 • Step by step videos to show how the experiment is to be done 
 • Comprehensive parent/teacher guides 
 • Textbook readings 
 • Exceeds most K-8th State Standards 
 • Exercises and Quizzes 
 • Unlimited support for teachers and students 

 Want to know the best part about Supercharged Science?

The eScience program does not cover creation or evolution so ALL families can participate with our programs. By focusing on the how’s and why’s of things they just teach Science!!! This review came just in the nick of time for us as I am trying to get my rising 7th grader, Montana, ready for her college prep curriculum next school year. She doesn’t necessarily know what she wants to study but she knows she wants to do science.

So, like my daughter Madison, who used this program in the past, we used the program as a unit study/delight directed study. Over the last few months, Montana has been showing the same signs of increased intelligence, to put it mildly, just as my Madison did at this age. Now, that I am navigating these waters a second time around, I want to learn from my mistakes so to speak, and get her off on the right direction right from the start. To do this I let her explore the website and topics and then she took off and soared from there!

It is as easy as printing off the unit PDF files and watching the corresponding video. We found that watching the experiment first was more beneficial for Montana and then she started digging into the learning the how and why’s to the experiment. Her favorite experiments thus far are creating a roller coaster and trapping hidden carbon dioxide invisible gases.

I love that for these two experiments, they especially made her think outside of the box to get the end results. At first she couldn’t get the carbon dioxide experiment to work, because her set up was incorrect. Instead of telling her that, I let her go by trial and error and then she figured it out successfully. Afterwards she was able to explain to her siblings and myself why the way she did it worked.

e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum {Supercharged Science Reviews}

This is a complete online curriculum for students in grades K-12. It retails for $57.00 a month. Yes, that seems a bit pricey, but really it’s not for the quality of instruction your child will receive. If you are like our family, you have a strict homeschool budget that might not have room for all the extra bells and whistles. After reviewing and using this program I can confidently say it is worth every single penny! Plus, the e-Science Homeschool Science curriculum has won many awards, including being one of Cathy Duffy's top 102 picks and Homeschool World's best science curriculum.

Homeschool science can be so intimidating for moms to teach but Supercharged Science makes it easy with their fun e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum. Overall, we have truly enjoyed this program and I have made provisions in our budget to renew our subscription when our year is up. I truly think it is worth every penny and a true asset to our homeschool. If you are looking to get your children riled up for science this is the program you need. Want a special deal? Supercharged Science e-Science curriculum wants to give my readers access to some of the amazing sample experiments the program has to offer for just $1.00! Yes, you read that right, $1.00. Head right over to Supercharged Science and check out their “Super”e-Science Premium Membership. You won’t be disappointed!

And be sure to check out what 64 of my Crewmates thought of this program by clicking the banner below.

e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum {Supercharged Science Reviews}

 Format ~ online instruction 
 Price ~ $57.00/monthly subscription 
 Ages ~ K-12th grades

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© 2008 - 2019 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.     

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

© 2008 - 2019 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.     

Friday, May 24, 2019

Typing Tournament Online and Maths Invaders Online from EdAlive ~ a TOS review

It’s a beautiful day in our part of the country! I hope you can say the same for yourself. As we wind down our school year, I am excited to share with you today an online typing tutor program as well as an online Math game that my girls, Montana (12) and McKenzie (9), have been enjoying from EdAlive. EdAlive generously provided us with one-year subscriptions to both Typing Tournament Online and Maths Invaders Online. Let me tell you about it.

EdAlive is an Australian based company that provides a variety of online learning games to meet the needs of children in grades K-12. We received two one-year subscriptions for a typing tutor program called Typing Tournament Online and a fun math practice program called Maths Invaders Online from EdAlive.

Learning to type is a very important skill that I stress as my kids have gotten older. Around 7th or 8th grade, depending on maturity, I require my girls to type out their comprehension questions so that they get used to not only using the keyboard but it saves on paper and eliminates lost notebooks throughout the year. My rising 7th grader was kind of thrown into the world of typing early when we joined an online history co-op. In the beginning it was painful to listen to her hunt and peck away at the keyboard searching for the letters. Now that she has had a few years under her belt, we are working on accuracy and speed as well as hand placement as we steam forward into upper middle school.

The Typing Tournament Online program is an excellent online program for teaching 10-finger touch typing. We are a competitive bunch here at A Stable Beginning and I too jumped in on seeing how fast I could type. Taking turns trying to beat each others scores made the game even better. The best part is that Montana is pushing herself to beat my score and in return getting good practice in learning how to type correctly.

The program is real-time and works on Windows PCs, Apple Macs, Surface Tablets, iPads and iPhones, Android tablets and phones.

Going through the program the student can set goals and practice in a tournament format. With 128 lessons you and your studentTracking progress is easy with the lesson map that includes completed lessons, practice drills, and level tests. Once skills are mastered certificates are offered for a job well done.

The other game we received was Maths Invaders Online that focused on practicing math facts. It is suitable to students in grades K-10 and includes two types of game play; Space Rescue and Galactic Campaign. McKenzie, has been playing around with this online math game and starting with Level 1, she has been working through the levels mastering math facts along the way. 

With this program your student will learn to master:

 Times Tables 
 Square Roots 
 Directed Numbers and more!

Each of these programs is fun for my girls so it doesn’t actually seem like they are doing school work. They both were able to log in at least 3 days a week and spend at least 15 minutes playing games. It normally turned into longer sessions because once they started playing they didn’t want to stop. I love learning in disguise!

Typing Tournament & Maths Invaders Online {EdAlive Reviews}

We have thoroughly enjoyed both of these programs and they have earned a spot in our summer learning line up. The girls will continue to work with them throughout our summer break and into next school year because they are both fun and effective. But don’t just take my word for it! Check out what 64 of my CrewMates thought of Typing Tournament Online and Maths Invaders Online by clicking the banner below.

Typing Tournament & Maths Invaders Online {EdAlive Reviews}

Company ~ EdAlive 
 Format ~ online program 
 Price ~ Single Home User is $10.00/mo or $90./yr or $199./perpetual 
 Ages ~ 6 to adult

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© 2008 - 2019 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

© 2008 - 2019 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.   

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Discover why God is Better than Trucks ~ a TOS review

Morning friends! It’s a beautiful day here in our part of the country and I wanted to tell you about a book that has earned a spot on our bookshelf. Today I want to introduce you to the delightful children's book God is Better than Trucks published by Christian Focus. Let’s dive in!

Christian Focus Publications has been publishing quality books with the sole purpose of spreading the Gospel since the 70’s. With authors from all over the world and books published in over 70 different languages they are making an impact for Christ for readers of all ages on a daily basis with their books. We were blessed to recieve the book God is Better than Trucks from their CF4Kids line, which provides Sunday school material, inspirational stories, and devotionals for younger learners.

God is Better than Trucks is a 48-page book hardcover was penned by Sarah Reju, a pastor’s wife who also homeschools her five children. It is an ABC book in full vibrant color that is written for babies, toddlers, and young readers up to about 7. As you enjoy each page of the book you and your child will travel through the alphabet and learn that while ambulances and race cars are good, God is better.

The scripture references in the book are translated in the English Standard Version, ESV, and one of my favorite features is that a memory verse is included on each page to draw the child back to the “why” God is better. The vibrant illustrations in this book are beautifully drawn and seem to jump right off the page.

Each page of this book is fantastic! Over the course of time that we have had this book, I have probably read it over 50 times to my little boy, who just turned 5. He LOVES this book and I frequently find him sitting by himself “reading” and looking at the pictures. Like any little boy, he loves everything cars and trucks so this book is important for him to see that yes these trucks can do amazing things fixing and repairing and such, but God is better!

We have enjoyed this book and will for many more years to come. It is perfect for the little boy that loves everything trucks. God is Better than Trucks is available directly from the publisher and it is priced just right at $12.99.

Big Bible Science, Elizabeth Prentiss, God is Better than Princesses,  God is Better than Trucks. {Christian Focus Reviews}

But don’t just take my word for it! Click on the banner below and read what my CrewMates thought of this book and the three other books that were reviewed including:

Big Bible Science, Elizabeth Prentiss, God is Better than Princesses,  God is Better than Trucks. {Christian Focus Reviews}

Price ~ $12.99 
Format ~ hardcover book 
Ages ~ Read to Me 0-5; Read Myself 5-6

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© 2008 - 2019 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Nothing ~ a TOS review

Morning friends! Today I want to share with you a book about Nothing. Sounds kind of strange, right? That’s what I thought too until I laid eyes on this awesome gem of a book. Let’s dive in!

For this review I want to introduce you to the delightful children's picture book titled Nothing by Natalee Creech and published by WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group. This hardback book is illustrated by Joseph Cowman and it is truly a feast for the eyes. The cover caught my attention first thing with it rich hues of blue drawing us in. The main message of the book centers around Romans 8:38-39 to remind us that nothing can separate us from God’s amazing love for us.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."(NIV)

Each page of this book is fantastic! It draws you in and helps you and your children see how nothing can separate us from God’s amazing love for us through everyday examples. It has been especially stormy in our part of the country these last few weeks. This book gives a nice visual for my younger children, and myself to see that God is bigger and stronger than any storm.

This book is available at many online retailers as well as brick and mortar stores. It is priced just right, in my opinion, and my younger two children, McKenzie (9) and Micah (4) have especially enjoyed this book. I find them reading it over and over. I especially like that the children portrayed in the book are so diverse to include everyone.

Nothing (Nothing Can Separate You From God's Love) by Natalee Creech {WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group Reviews}
This is such a great book for anyone to read! We plan to gift this book at Christmas to our cousins. But don’t just take my word for it. 44 of my CrewMates have been reading this book with their families. Check out what they thought by clicking the banner below.

Nothing (Nothing Can Separate You From God's Love) by Natalee Creech {WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group Reviews}
Company ~ WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group 
Product ~ Nothing by Natalee Creech 
 Price ~ $11.72 
 Format ~ hardcover book 
 Ages ~ readers of all ages

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© 2008 - 2019 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.