Happy Friday friends!
It’s been another fabulous week here at A Stable Beginning and I am excited to share my review of a homeschooling resource just for you Mama’s and (Papa’s too). If you have an 8th grader this year or are knee deep into highschool already you may be a little uneasy with the thought of having to produce a High School Transcript. High school record keeping, especially transcripts can be so overwhelming for us homeschooling parents so I'd like to introduce you to Transcripts Made Easy: The Homeschooler's Guide to High-School Paperwork from Everyday Education.
I’m on my 3rd high schooler now and probably my most challenging transcript wise because she is a competitive student athlete. Things are definitely different from nearly 6 years ago when I was finalizing Marie’s transcript. And even more so, when I was working on Madison’s for her service academy applications and ROTC. This gem of a resource is helping me make sure I am hitting I am hitting all the requirements for Mikayla’s transcript as well as learning a new thing or two for my youngest three.
I received the eBook edition of Transcripts Made Easy by email for this review. I really like eBooks, because they are easy to transport on the go with my iPad. Or, if I want to write notes and dog ear points I can easily print out a paper copy. The best of both worlds for me. I mainly used this eBook on my iPad and printed out a few pages here and there for when I did need to make notes, especially in GPA section. I always second guess myself, but now I have printed steps how to figure this out correctly with Honors and AP classes.
The fourth edition of this book has 138 pages of helpful information on homeschool transcripts and is available as a print edition for $24.95, ebook edition for $19.95, or as a print and ebook bundle for $34.95. Janice Campbell, the author, offers email support with the purchase of this book. How great is that!? If you find yourself having extra questions, just shoot her an email and she’ll get back to you in a jiffy.
The book is divided into six separate parts that break the transcript down into bite sized chunks. They include sections on:
Part 1 ~ Meet the Transcript
Part 2 ~ Plan With the End in Mind
Part 3 ~ Keep Simple Records
Part 4 ~ Grades, Credit, and the GPA
Part 5 ~ Create the Transcript
Part 6 ~ References, Resources, and Reproducibles

Company ~ Everyday Education
Format ~ eBook
Price ~ print edition for $24.95, ebook edition for $19.95, or as a print and ebook bundle for $34.95
Ages ~ Homeschooling Mama’s & Papa’s

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