This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Drive Thru History: Acts to Revelation ~ a TOS review

Have you ever wondered what life was truly like for the disciples after the Gospel accounts of Jesus Christ? In the newest series of Drive Thru History®  Acts to Revelation.  Drive Thru History® Dave Stotts, takes you on an engaging and entertaining tour as we travel the Mediterranean region using the Book of Acts as the roadmap.

I was so excited when I found out I was on this review! You see I was on the first review two years ago as we walked in the footsteps of Jesus with The Gospels. So when I found out I was going to get the chance to review the next installment I was a little bit over the moon!

In this next series, you get a first hand look at the fascinating lives of the first Christians. Each of the 18 video lessons is meant to teach the history and events that shaped the Christian church. Each episode is roughly 30 minutes long but high paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting more. Since I wanted to use these as we traveled, and I am the main driver, I may have binge watched for a “few” hours one Saturday night so I would know what was going on as I listened while driving.

Can I tell you that I love the way this item is packaged! The Drive Thru History ~ Acts to Revelation comes packaged in a hard cover book-like case. Inside you will find the three DVDs, two in the front cover and the third disk set inside the back cover. The hard cover book contains a full color study guide book that includes scripture readings and discussions questions.

The full color photographs are breathtakingly stunning! Some photographs are two page spreads while others are just one to a page and immerse you right into the action. As I said earlier, there are 18 episodes that cover the life of early Christians from the Day of Pentecost through the New Testament. Specifically the episodes include:

Episode 1: The Gospel shared at Pentecost 
Episode 2: The Church grows at Jerusalem 
Episode 3: The Gospel Spreads o the Gentiles 
Episode 4: Saul of Tarsus & the Road to Damascus 
Episode 5: Paul’s first Missionary Journey: The island of Cyprus 
Episode 6: The Journey Continues: Pamphylia, Glatia & Asia Minor 

Episode 7: The Jerusalem Council & Paul’s Second Missionary Journey 
Episode 8: The Second Journey Continues: Philippi and Thessalonica 
Episode 9: A Road Trip to Athens 
Episode 10: Ancient Corinth 
Episode 11: Paul’s Third Missionary Journey: Ephesus 
Episode 12: Paul’s Final Trip to Trip to Jerusalem & Caesarea 

These DVD’s arrived just as we started our traveling adventures for gymnastics meets and and been a great way to squeeze in some learning in between listening to the radio and DVD movies. For this review I used the videos and corresponding study guide this with all my children but the main reviewers were my 6th and 10th grader daughters.

While we were traveling we watched 1 lesson a day and I printed out the corresponding study guide sheets for the girls to complete in the van on their lap desks. The study guide is a short series of questions that are great for discussion that check for comprehension of the episode. My girls had no problem answering them, especially if they were paying attention. The study guide also includes scripture reading to tie the episode directly back to the Bible.

When we returned home we slowed the pace to just one lesson a week. With this schedule, we have made it through Episode 6. Because Drive thru History is a fast-paced, content-rich history experience it hasn’t actually been hard work for anyone. From the people, places, and events, our host, Dave Stotts, helps make you feel as if you are right there as it happened.

Drive Thru History®
So what are my final thoughts? Hands down I think you should get your hands on a copy of this DVD set! But don’t just take my word for it. 79 of my CrewMates also reviewed these DVD’s so be sure to check out what they have to say by clicking the banner below.

Drive Thru History®

Company ~ Drive Thru History®  
Format ~ DVD  
Price ~ $89.95  
Ages ~ family centered
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