Friday, March 29, 2019

Classical Phonics with First Start Reading from Memoria Press ~ a TOS review

It’s Friday and time for another review! This is one of my favorite companies, so sit back and grab your favorite beverage and sweet treat. When we first started homeschooling the thought of teaching my children to read used to make me tremble with fear. I know that’s probably silly to say out loud, but it is how I felt when we embarked on this homeschooling journey nine years ago.

I have since taught three children how to read and now it’s time for my soon to be 5 year old JrK’er, Micah. He is the next in line to become a reader with the help of Classical Phonics with the First Start Reading from Memoria Press.

Micah was so excited to get his curriculum box in the mail. We began using the phonics program the day after it arrived because he was ready to read. Because of the past success we have had with Memoria Press I too was eager to start Micah with the program.

We have been working diligently over this school year on letter recognition and sounds. The best part of this program to me, is that the child will get a boost of confidence on Lesson 8 when they read their first sentence… I am a man.

  The First Start Reading Program takes on a classical, traditional approach to teaching phonics. We received the two Teacher’s Guide and 5 Student books, A, B, C, D, & E.

The program focuses on three important skills throughout the phonics program which include:

1.pencil grip & correct manuscript letter formation 
2. mastering the sounds for consonants and vowels 
3. mastering short and long vowel sounds, short 3-letter words and 45 common “sight” words

The Teacher’s Guide provides scripted lessons and everything you need as the teacher to successfully teach your child to read. It is a great resource for helping with vowel sounds, ear training, b-d confusion, and pencil grip.

Scripted lessons make teaching the classical phonics program so easy. You don’t have to worry about what to say or what to write because it is all there right for you. In the beginning it is a bit repetitive, but Micah and I don’t mind the repetitiveness.

Four days a week we started out our days by completing the phonics recitation. Some days Micah had a hard time with this task, especially reciting the alphabet while pointing to each letter because he just didn’t want to do it.

However, it has helped him with his letter recognition tremendously! Before starting phonics recitation he would do the normal LMNOP, instead of separating them as individual letters. Once I had him slow down he was able to say each letter. He still has trouble now and again with the “W”, not sure why but it does throw him for a loop every now and again.

Each lesson covers the following categories: 
 ~ Letter sounds 
 ~ CVC Words (Common Word, which include sight words) 
 ~ Reading skills such as beginning punctuation and plural sounds 
 ~ Beginning Sentences

To make it easier for Micah to spot the vowels, I choose to highlight them in his favorite color in the back of the student book. I did the “Y” in yellow, just to visually remind him that it “sometimes” can be considered a vowel. That may be too much now, but visually seeing that these six letters were special has helped Micah too.

Phonics, Poetry & Latin {Memoria Press Reviews}
Memoria Press offers a wide assortment of homeschool material from Latin, Greek, Literature, to whole grade level sets from Junior Kindergarten through high school. We LOVE this program and I have been recommending and sharing it with friends for the past few weeks whether or not they homeschool! I will sing praises to Memoria Press to all who will listen! 

But don’t just take my word for it! Check out what my CrewMates have to say about Memoria Press and their products. You will be able to read 64 different viewpoints on Classical Phonics with the First Start Reading Program and the following curriculum reviewed:
Phonics, Poetry & Latin {Memoria Press Reviews}

~ Poetry for the Grammar Stage Set.    
 ~Poetry & Short Stories: American Literature Set.   
  ~ Poetry, Prose & Drama: The Old English & Medieval Periods Set.   
   ~ Poetry & Prose Book Two: The Elizabethan to the Neoclassical Age Set.    
 ~ Poetry Book Three: The Romantic to the Victorian Age Set.   
  ~ Prima Latina: Complete set.   
  ~ Latina Christiana: Complete set.  
     ~ First Form Latin: Complete set.   
 ~ Second Form Latin: Complete set. 
     ~ Third Form Latin: Complete set.    
 ~ Fourth Form Latin + Henle I:  Complete set. 

By clicking the banner below.

Phonics, Poetry & Latin {Memoria Press Reviews}

Company ~ Memoria Press 

Product ~ Classical Phonics with the First Start Reading Program
Format ~ paperback books 
 Price ~ $16.95 and $42.95 
 Ages ~ K-2

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