This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Friday, February 15, 2019

Live the Adventure with Heirloom Audio's For The Temple ~ a TOS review

Have you had the pleasure of listening to any of the audio theater productions of G.A. Henty from Heirloom Audio? We received the newest installment, For The Temple, let me tell you why we love them so! 

Having reviewed several of the other titles from Heirloom Audio we are quite familiar with the outstanding Christian audio theater they produce. My children, especially Montana, my 6th grader, love listening to these audio dramas based off the novels of G.A. Henty. 

During the 19th century, G.A. Henty's adventure books became popular and well known for emphasizing traits of courage, high moral character, diligence, and perseverance. Heirloom Audio Productions is passionate about bringing history's most daring expeditions and greatest adventures to life in exciting and engaging audio dramas. Each Heirloom Audio Productions CD tells the real life historical event from a G.A. Henty novel. Not only do you get to experience the event as if you were actually there, you get to meet the people who shaped the event firsthand. 

“The first duty of any Jew is to protect the Temple. I will fight that battle.”

With their newest released title, For the Temple, follow John, a young Jewish man, as you are thrust into the days and events leading up to the final destruction of the Jerusalem temple by the Romans in 70 AD. John is recruited by the Jewish army to help defend the temple from Roman invaders. But to do so he must make the sacrifice and leave his fiancĂ©, mother, and the family vineyard. 

For this review we received a physical copy of the two CD set of this high energy and fast pace story focused on building character for the next generation all the while bringing history lessons to life within the chapters. With the extremely high quality audio reenactments, this story it is perfect for ages 6 years old to adult. The realities of war do shine through, just so you are aware, so please use caution if listening with younger children because there are some intense scenes. I love that the cover of the CD case depicts the story with clean, simple lines, yet makes you want to pick up the CD and see just what it is about. 

We also had access to the corresponding Study Guide, it and other resources are available when you join the Live the Adventure Club. Inside the Study Guide you will find comprehension questions in the listening well section as well as questions that are designed to make you dig a little deeper in the Thinking Further section. I liked that there are vocabulary words so that you can go over these words that may be unfamiliar to your child beforehand. The Study Guide is 51 pages set against a parchment type background and includes photos and detailed descriptions of some important historical events. 

Thoughts from Montana ~
“I really enjoy the audio CD’s from Heirloom Audio! Getting this newest CD was a real treat for me. I found the story to be interesting and exciting as I listened to the story of John and his attempts to save the temple. We just finished studying about the Romans so it was a nice tie into our history too.”

Since this is our busy travel season with gymnastics, we spend quite a few weekends out on the road. My new van does not have a CD player but it does have car play so I asked one of my more technically savvy daughters how to transfer the upload the story to my iTunes account. She even uploaded all of my other CD’s and now we get to listen to all of our Heirloom Audio dramas while we are on the road! 

For The Temple {Heirloom Audio Reviews}

We love these audio theaters so much that when we missed being on the review of St. Bartholomew’s Eve, so we purchased our own copy. Adding these radio theater productions to my daughter's listening time is a win-win for us. Be sure to take a look at what my 79 CrewMates thought of For the Temple by Heirloom Audio by clicking the banner below.

For The Temple {Heirloom Audio Reviews}

Company ~ Heirloom Audio

Product ~ For The Temple

Format ~ physical CD

Price ~ $29.97 plus shipping & handling

Ages ~ 6+ 

Social Media Links: 

Instagram: @HeirloomAudioOfficial

© 2008 - 2019 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.    

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