Thursday, November 1, 2018

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines from Lisa Tanner Writing ~ a TOS review

This is my last review of the 2018 year and its a good one! I don’t know about you, but I am a busy mom. Most of us moms are. I start my days early and end them as early as I possibly can, because I am tired by 8pm. While I do not work outside of the house, I am busy running our household and homeschooling my children in the process. Today I want to share with you a fabulous resource for work-at-home moms: Balancing Diapers and Deadlines from Lisa Tanner Writing.

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines {Lisa Tanner Writing Reviews}

Homeschooling is work. It takes effort and organization. So, while I don’t physically step outside of the walls of my house to “work”, I do consider homeschooling my daily job. Thats why I was excited to get to work through this new course from Lisa Tanner, a fellow CrewMate. She wrote this course to help busy moms balance our household responsibilities with while working from home.

This course has 30 lessons that are broken down into 8 smaller bite-sized units:

 • Welcome to Balancing Diapers and Deadlines
 • Building Your Foundation with the Basics
 • Minimize Your Decisions
 • Minimize Your Decisions: The Annual Meal Plan
 • Sustainable Growth
 • Growing a Business with Your Kids Around
 • Boost Your Productivity
 • Closing Thoughts

Each unit is full of tips and ideas to help you manage your home while growing your business or work opportunities. Wishing each lesson there can be worksheets and action steps to help you reach the goals set out in the lesson. The lessons are easy to read and not long at all. In fact, some units can be completed in one sitting.

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines

One section that I found especially helpful was on meal prep. Every single day, when I pick up my girls from a long day of training at the gym, they ask the dreaded three words that make me cringe…”What’s for dinner”? I struggle to come up with fast, yet healthy meals to feed my growing athletes.

It’s daunting sometimes, but they have got to eat so that means I need to carve out the time to cook. This section helped me realize that I can just have the kids pick out their favorite meals and then I can make sure they are balanced and healthy. This unit has a download of meal plans that I loved! I printed it out and used it as a guideline for our family as well as taking one weekend to sit down and make a list of seven of each child’s favorite foods to eat for dinner. When we were looking a little skimpy on the vegetables, I added them in too. I have since made a rotation of the kids favorite meals and which of those meals my older children can help cook. Because I realize I can’t do it all.

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines {Lisa Tanner Writing Reviews}

Overall, I am especially happy to have had a chance to work through Lisa Tanner Writing Balancing Diapers and Deadlines course. I still have a few units left to complete but I feel it provides work at home mom productivity tips that are helpful to everyday moms just trying to get through the day. So be sure to check it out even if you don't have babies in diapers, there is something for all! Check out what my CrewMates thought of this course by clicking the banner below.

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines {Lisa Tanner Writing Reviews}

Company ~ Lisa Tanner Writing
 Format ~ text-based online course 
 Price ~ $50.00
 Ages ~ for Mom’s
Lisa Tanner Writing
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