This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Heading into week 9

It’s Saturday friends!

                                                                                                                photo credit to Mikayla

This should have been the completion of our 9th week of the 2018-2019 school year however, the children and I needed a break. More so me as I was burning the candle at both ends so to speak. So, last Friday I made the executive decision to take this week off and it has been just what I needed to regroup.

Now, we did still attend co-op on Wednesday this week and Mikayla and Montana still are working on their History co-op assignments but we just did a little each day. McKenzie is also working on a new math program called Math Whizz. My expectation was that she would just work 15-20 minutes a day, but she has chosen to stay on it for 45 plus minutes each day because she enjoys it so much. I'll be posting our review in November so be on the look out for that.

Next week we will begin week 9 of school and continue with our scheduled lessons until Dec.21st! Well, we may adjust the ending date by a few days because we just received the girls competition schedule and we have an out of town meet the weekend of Dec. 21st. Once we get our session times I will be able to adjust our schedule accordingly so that everything is done before we leave. 

Speaking of gymnastics, McKenzie has her Level 5 test out meet in mid-December as well. So excited and proud of this girl as she trains hard and checks off her goals. We had a bit of a scare this week and had to get an x-ray on her ankle because she has been complaining about it. Thankfully, it is just a mild sprain! She needs to have a well child check up within the next few weeks because in 5 months she has only gained 1 pound. And I am sure that that 1 pound is muscle. Now, that is normally a good thing, but for her it is a signal that her body is not working at optimal condition.

As we head back into our next 9 10 weeks of school we are tweaking our curriculum to fit our needs better. Madison and Micah have no changes to their course loads but here are a few of the changes we are making at each grade level for the other girls.

Mikayla ~ 10th:
Vocabulary: Words on Wednesdays, Vol.1 and Vol. 2, Ultimate Differentiated Vocabulary Activities
ACT Prep: Magoosh ACT *Mikayla will take her first test on Dec.8th and then we will have a baseline of what she needs to study to improve on. She will not be able to test again until July 2019 because we will be traveling for gymnastics and college/high school graduations for her older sisters. 

Montana ~ 6th:

McKenzie ~ 3rd:
Literature: Instructional ~ All About Reading, Lv 3
                At-Level ~ 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension
                Fun reading ~ Sonlight Readers 3
Phonics/Spelling: I thought about changing McKenzie’s spelling/phonics but I have decided to stick with what we use, Rod & Staff, and give her more hands-on learning. She is excited about this switch because she likes doing centers.

With these slight changes I am hoping to streamline better and get things done. Because the best curriculum is one that gets used, right? Have you made any changes to your curriculum line up? I would love to hear what you have planned out.

©2008 - 2018 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. 
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