Friday, October 12, 2018

Brinkman Adventures: Season 6: Underground Rising ~ a TOS review

Are you up for an adventure? If you have been reading this little blog of mine for any length of time you know that we love good books and we love audio theater just as much! So, if you are ready to experience the known for its action-packed, faith-building, real life, extraordinary drama adventures of the Brinkman family keep reading because they have just released their newest adventure, Season 6: Underground Rising.

Brinkman Adventures Season 6 Reviews

I love adding Audio Dramas to our listening time while we are out and about on our daily travels, so  I was thrilled to receive the digital version of Season 6: Underground Rising from Brinkman Adventures for our listening pleasure. The  Brinkman Adventures will take your family on heart-pounding, exciting adventures all the while showing God’s love for everyone on earth. We received a digital copy of Season 6 of The Brinkman Adventures which contains six action packed episodes. The company just recently moved to the six episode editions instead of the twelve like previous editions. But don't let that disappoint you. You still get over 2 hours of audio drama/entertainment that is perfect for a road trip.

Episodes in Season 6 include:

55 – Dutch Underground Part 1 ~ Theme: Resisting Evil                            
56 – Dutch Underground Part 2 ~ Theme: Helping When it's Risky
57 – Twice Born Fly  ~ Theme: Salvation
58 – I Wonder Why? ~ Theme: Trusting God's Plan
59 – Free Burma Rangers Part 1  ~ Theme: Can God Use a Warrior
60 – Free Burma Rangers Part 2 ~ Theme:  God Guides Even When He Feels Distant

Once we received our email to download the files we were all set to enjoy our adventure. Each Episode can be played on a phone or tablet, but first you need to download the files onto your computer and then sync them to your portable device. Trust me, it is a simple process to do!

After the syncing is complete, just press play and fasten your seatbelts as you step back in time to war-torn Holland. Based on real life events during this time period The Brinkmans’ great-grandparents are faced with a harrowing decision. Will they protect themselves from the Nazis or will they aid the Jews? In another episode, the boys Jack & Ian accompany Dave Eubank and his Free Burma Rangers on a daring mission to save a Burmese village from a rapidly approaching army bent on destruction. 

Underground Rising Season 6 Brinkman Adventures

The Brinkman’s are not just your normal everyday missionaries. They are a modern day, large family with 9 children, whose powerful stories come together through the wild and crazy adventures they take to share God’s word. Their escapades will inspire the old and young and strengthen your faith to love and follow Jesus with all your might.

We spend a lot of time in our van driving here and there each week and while listening to the popular kids satellite radio is fun, one does quickly tire of hearing the same songs looping over and over. With my new van, I was so excited to be able to plug my phone into the socket and pull up Apple Car Play. From there I was able to access the files that were on my phone. I love that we can control the files just as we would manipulate a CD by rewinding etc. in case we missed something. 

We have listened to many audio books before but nothing is quite as exciting as The Brinkman Adventures. From the very beginning, everyone in the van is completely immersed and listening intently to the stories to not miss a beat. Everyone in our family has thoroughly enjoyed these stories many times over.  Our family’s favorite stories from this collection would have to be episodes 55 and 56 about the Dutch Underground. This is a fascinating time period where ordinary people did extraordinary things to help the Jews during their time of persecution. I have always enjoyed studying this time period and frequently while listening to these stories I asked myself would I be so willing to help in the face of danger and death. I sure hope I would! 

Season 6 continues in the tradition of high octane, faith growing stories. I will say that some of the stories were a bit intense. I did have to turn off the episodes and wait until my littles were not in the van to continue to listen. I would say, if you have children 10 and under to use your own judgement and listen along with them. If it is too intense, then save it for another time.

The Brinkman Adventures are available to purchase on CD for $23.99 or digital download for $19.99. The prices are worth every cent and more! Plus, you are in luck! Right now until October 31st you can get your own set of The Brinkman Adventures for 10% off by using the code  FALL10 . It's the perfect way to begin your adventures!

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of Season 6 by clicking the banner below. There are 69 other reviews to check out.

Brinkman Adventures Season 6 Reviews

 Format ~ digital download
 Price ~ $19.99
 Ages ~ 10 and up
Brinkman Adventures

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