If there is one thing to say about me, it's that I never turn down a book. In August Barbour Publishing sent us two new titles, Who Was Jonah? and Who Was Mary, Mother of Jesus?, which are part of their Kingdom Files series. Let me tell you a little more about them!
We are no stranger to the clean books for kids that Barbour Publishing produces. A few years ago we were introduced to our first Barbour Publishing book when we received Diary of a Real Payne Book 1: True Story and Imagine…The Great Flood created by Matt Koceich, a schoolteacher, who wants to bring the Bible to life for curious kids aged 8 to 12.

Fact File where basic facts and photos of the person are presented. In this section you learn all about the person, who they are, occupation, and where they lived during their life.
Action Files is the section that gives you the Bible story where the person is featured. This section has clues that make you think about the topic you are reading about. This section includes simple black and white illustration that match what is happening in the story.
Power File include short lessons to either be read before or after reading the chapter stories. These lessons tie the main concept of the story back together, essentially bringing everything together and how to apply the principles to your own daily life.
When the books first arrived Montana dove into reading the book on Jonah. I read the book about Mary aloud to my youngest three children, Montana (11), McKenzie (9), and Micah (4). I would read a chapter a day and then we would have a mini discussion about what we read. I liked the fact that the author points out how the Bible character might have felt in the situation they were in.
For example, how do you think Mary felt after being told she would be the Mother of the Savior of the world? And what about Jonah? Why did he feel so strongly to run away from what God was asking him to do? These questions led to many jumping off points for us that led us right to our Bibles to check the facts.

Montana and McKenzie loved this book and were hanging on for each word I read. Micah, expectantly, was just along for the ride. He did pick up some points and enjoyed coloring or playing quietly while I read.

We loved these books! There are four more in the series including:
Who is Jesus?
Who Was David?
Who Was Ester?
Who Was Daniel?
And I plan to add a new title each month to our collection. The Kingdom Files website is a great place to look for games and educator resources, including trading cards, word searches, Readers Theater and more.

We recommend these books for any family looking for quality, Biblical biographies for kids. But don’t just take my word for it, check out what my CrewMates thought of these two books by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Barbour Publishing
Product ~ Kingdom Files series:
Format ~ paperback book
Price ~ $4.99
Ages ~ 8-12 years old

Social Media Links:

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