Thursday, August 16, 2018

Julie Polanco: God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn ~ a TOS review

This year we are beginning our tenth year as a homeschooling family. I’m far from an expert but in some circles I am considered a veteran. I, like you, sometimes struggle with the daily task of home educating my children, so it’s always nice to get some encouragement from time to time. As such I was excited to read God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn written by Julie Polanco because the title was so catchy. Let me tell you more about my thoughts.

Julie Polanco Books

Julie Polanco is a homeschooling mom of 4 who has been schooling at home for the past 15 years. Like all of us home educating moms she desired to provide the best education for her children. Through thorough research she sought answers from the Bible as well as many studies on child development. After trying several different methods of homeschooling styles she was led by God to God Schooling.

God Schooling book

Julie shares her thoughts on the subject in her book, God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn. With 163 pages and nine chapters the book is divided into two parts:

Part 1: Dispelling Myths ~ in this section Julie speaks of the Biblical support for natural learning.
Part 2: Practice ~ in this section Julie breaks down how to put her principles into action for children under 8, 8 years - 12 years, and for teens.

I kept this book in my purse and read it in bits and pieces as I was waiting at the gym or ball field. Essentially, I found this book to be a guide to exploring Christian Unschooling or child-led educating. Once I figured that out I kept reading because many of the topics interested me including the section about learning through play and the parts in Chapter Two that discussed giving your teens their wings through expectations and responsibility.

In our home, my daughters who are 12 and up know how to care for the house in my absence. By the time they are 14/15 years old, they can cook a complete meal, clean, and take care of younger siblings if needed. This happened recently when my flight home from Michigan was canceled unexpectedly due to weather. My 17 year old and I had to stay an extra night in Michigan because we could not get home until late the next day. My daughters, 21, 15, and even my 11 year old rose to the occasion and stepped up without being told and helped Dad out in running the house in my absence. So I agree with Julie in treating your teens like young adults at an early, yet acceptable age. They will rise to the expectations you ask of them.

God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn {Julie Polanco Reviews}
I did enjoy many parts of this book. We are, however, Classical homeschoolers, because that style of learning works best for our family. My husband and I have high expectations of myself and our children, yet we fail in one fashion or another every single day. I know what they are individually capable of and the push and pull is a grace filled one. I plan big each year and through relationships, disciplining, and investing into each of my children individually we are on this journey of homeschooling. Make no mistake, I call upon God each and every day for His guidance because honestly home educating my children is a full time job that I can not do without Him!

79 of my CrewMates also read and reviewed this book. Be sure to click the banner below to read their thoughts and opinions. You can also read the first Chapter on the Julie's website and until August 22nd you can get the e-book version for half off.

God Schooling: How God Intended Children to Learn {Julie Polanco Reviews}

Company ~ Julie Polanco 
Format ~ paperback book 
Audience ~ homeschooling families

Julie Polanco Books
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Facebook @juliepolancobooks ~ Pinterest

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