Thursday, August 2, 2018

Home School in the Woods: Renaissance & Reformation Project Passport World History Studies ~ a TOS review

I am so excited to tell you about the hands-on History program that I have been preparing for my middle schooler, Montana. I know you have heard me rave about them before but let me tell you when you find a good thing, you just have to keep rolling with it!

We have used the Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Middle Ages Project Passport so I was so excited to get my hands on the Renaissance & Reformation from the Project Passort World History Studies from Home School in the Woods!

I first discovered Homeschool in the Woods way back in 2011 when I attended my very first homeschool convention. We battled the summer stormy weather and made the nearly 2 hour drive to the Convention Center. I tell you it was glorious! While there I stumbled upon a company called Home School in the Woods as I browsed the Vendor Hall. I hit the jackpot that day with this company and we have been making history fun ever since!

We received the Renaissance & Reformation from the Project Passport World History Studies series as a ZIP download. Getting the files downloaded was really simple. With the ZIP download the files are separated into different folder categories instead of one large PDF in order of usage. Since the Digital edition is browser based you can click on the “Start.html” file and it will pull up the entire program on a webpage if you prefer to view the program that way. Navigation from here is simpler and more like the Project Passports that I have physical CDs for. It’s very visual, which I like for ease of use. You can also just work through the individual folders that you saved if you don’t want a webpage look.

Like the other Project Passport programs you will be fully immersed into your selected time period and explore a wide variety of “stops”. Through games, projects, recipes, lessons and more your child will be transported back in time and discover just what the Renaissance time period was all about. This is a print heavy program but that is no problem for me! In fact I like that feature so that I can print as many files and activities as I choose on the type of media I choose, whether that be colored card stock or plain white paper. Make a mistake cutting or coloring, just print another copy!

A detailed itinerary is included for each of the 25 stops on this trip. Each stop then has several activities or projects to complete. These include:

~ Scrapbook of Sights 
~ Lap Book 
~ Snapshot moments 
~ Postcard
~ Audio tour 
~ Newspaper 
~ games 
~ Edible projects 
~ 3- dimensional projects

You don’t do all of these projects at the same time. Each stop has a selection of what is done so that the length of your study can be spread out over 6-12 weeks. You’ll explore everything from:
packing for your tip preparing your passport book, Italy and DaVinci Everyday life Art and Music of the Renaissance Literature, Drama & Shakespeare Martin Luther John Calvin Henry VIII and the Counter Reformation to name a few.  For the purpose of this review I have been working through the program myself as I prep and prepared for my middle schooler to jump aboard in 10 short days! I have been busy reading and preparing my timeline and projects for her to have a visual when it is there time to start back to school.

This is a jam-packed, in-depth study that will have you walking away with a lot of knowledge in your short time studying. I have especially liked preparing the timeline and refreshing my memory as to just how everything fits into place during this time period. Montana has been peaking in on me wondering what I am doing and she is excited to dig in and start. I am especially excited about planning our feast and sampling some of the food that would have been a delicatessen
of the time.

I love teaching history and I love being able to teach it in an engaging way to my children. Homeschool in the Woods has transformed the way we tackle hands-on history learning. My children thrive with this style of learning and they just retain the information so much more than just reading the words in a book.

As I said earlier, I have been having all the fun Using Home School in the Woods Renaissance & Reformation Project Passport for right now! Doing the leg work and studying up on the information will not only help me teach my daughter better but also the kids I teach online in our history Co-op. Having the lessons prepped and ready to go for Montana, my 6th grader, to study during our Morning Time will be a life saver. She is eager to jump in and start learning all about the Renaissance & Reformation.  I have found memories of our times through the Project Passport series when Madison and Mikayla where middle school/late elementary. I remember how much they enjoyed it then and I can’t wait to get started with Montana!

Click the banner below to check out the variety of other items that are being reviewed including:

*U.S. Elections
*20th Century in America
*Wonders of the World
*Benjamin Franklin 

*Ancient Egypt
*Ancient Greece
*The Middle Ages
*Renaissance & Reformation

*New World Explorers
*Colonial Life  
*The American Revolution 
*The Early 19th Century
*The Civil War
*Industrial Revolution through Great Depression 
*World War II

*The Old Testament
*The New Testament

*History of Holidays
*Great Empires

*Ancient Greece Timeline
*The Early Nineteenth Century Timeline
*A Timeline of World War II
*Timeline of the American Revolution
*The War Between the States Timeline
*Science, Invention, and Mathematicians Timeline
*America's Progress into the 20th Century Timeline
*The Middle Ages Timeline
*The Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

Hands-on-History, Project Passport, À La Carte Timelines and Time Travelers {Home School in the Woods Reviews}

Company ~ Homeschool In The Woods
Product ~ Renaissance & Reformation Project Passport World History Studies
Format ~ PDF ZIP file 
Price ~ $33.95 

Project Passport Ancient Rome

Plus I am so excited to see that Ancient Rome is now available from the Project Passport World History Studies!  The series is now complete!

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