This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Apologia: Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition ~ a TOS Review

Are you looking for a high school health and nutrition course?  Well, then let me introduce you to Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition by Dr. Laura Chase published by Apologia Educational Ministries who sent me the Health and Nutrition Basic Set.

I am sure you have heard of Apologia Educational Ministries if you are a homeschooler. If you are not, let me tell you a little about them. Apologia is one of those companies that everybody talks about and for good reason too! Apologia publishes K-12 Creation-based science and worldview curriculum for children K-12, inspirational books about homeschooling, and hosts online classes through Apologia Academy. And now, they have added to their curriculum line up with their High School Health program.

For this review we were blessed to be able to receive the hardcover book and a copy of the Student Notebook. The textbook is 441 pages filled with high quality photographs and illustrations. The Student Notebook is a 366 page spiral-bound, consumable notebook that compliments the textbook. Both items are needed to complete the course and the Student Notebook is consumable, so you will need to purchase each student their own copy. 

With 15 Modules this is a meaty course that grants a full high school health credit. Depending on your needs you can break the course into one or two semesters. We choose the two semester option for Mikayla, my 10th grader, since she already has a full course load and I it wanted her to no rush.

The Student Notebook also contains a 34-week suggested weekly schedule for completing the lessons. I love this! It helps me see the big picture for the overall course and keeps me and Mikayla on track too. Three days a week are suggested and that is just the tactic we choose for Mikayla. This means she works on health on Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. These are the days that she will be home during the day and training in the evening so we can really buckle down.

Apologia Exploring Health and Nutrition
The 15 Modules cover the following topics: 

Module 1 ~ Who Am I and Why Does Heath Matter 
Module 2 ~ Physical Influences on Thoughts and Feelings 
Module 3 ~ Mental and Emotional Stability 
Module 4 ~ Interpersonal Harmony 
Module 5 ~ Treasuring Your Senses 
Module 6 ~ Processing Nourishment and Hydration 
Module 7 ~ Food Science I - Macronutrients 
Module 8 ~ Food Science II - Micronutrients 
Module 9 ~ Let's Look At What You Eat 
Module 10 ~Delivering the Oxygen 
Module 11 ~ Let's Move 
Module 12 ~ You're Stronger Than You Look 
Module 13 ~ At War With Infection 
Module 14 ~ Peace in Difficult Times 
Module 15 ~ The Gift of Reproduction

As with with other Apologia products, the textbook is written directly to the student in a friendly and engaging tone. This course is meant for the student to be fully engaged and completing the work “On Your Own”. Comprehension questions are sprinkled throughout the module and are intended to help the student test their knowledge of the material. The course also contains fun, hands-on projects that are scheduled into the coursework. Three of the bigger projects are graded and take the place of the Module test.

The Health and Nutrition Basic Set from Apologia Educational Ministries has answered my prayer for a thorough high school health and nutrition course! When I first heard about this course coming out I was super excited because I wanted/needed something more for Mikayla’s health requirement. You see, she is a potential NCAA Collegiate Student Athlete. With that distinction comes going through the process of passing the NCAA Clearinghouse so that she can compete in college.

Having a “textbook” will make having this course pass the Clearinghouse certification a little bit easier than my piecemeal program I used with Marie and Madison when they completed high school health. Having this course means it’s one less thing I have to worry about because the quality is already there within the course.

Mikayla thinks this health curriculum is “fun and easy to complete. The lessons are short and to the point which makes it easy for me to complete. I really like that the textbook is written to the student. Having the Student Notebook is a lifesaver for me. I have been known to misplace school papers, and the Student Notebook keeps everything together and in its place. The Module activities are fun. I am excited to get to my first Project in Module 9 in a few short weeks. I am interested in really honing in on what I am putting in my body to fuel me during my workouts and meets. I am hoping to make some changes to my eating so I can see the results in my competition performances. Plus, I think I want to study nutrition in college, especially since my favorite subject is lunch”.

Apologia Exploring Health and Nutrition
Overall, we have both really enjoyed this high school health course! Mikayla and I both give it two thumbs up! This course has my daughter excited to study health and nutrition and possibly major in those areas when she goes off to college in a few short years.

Health and Nutrition Basic Set {Apologia Educational Ministries Reviews}
I can’t say enough about this course! We have found the perfect curriculum for teaching all about the necessary topics in high school health and nutrition. But don’t just take my word for it. Check out what 24 of my CrewMates thought of this health curriculum by clicking the banner below.

And guess what! Apologia has a FREE eBook they want to share with you right now. Its called Whole-Health: God’s Design for Your Body, Mind, and Soul Activity eBook.

Health and Nutrition Basic Set {Apologia Educational Ministries Reviews}

  Ages ~ 8th-12th grades

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