If you haven’t heard, Northwest Treasures is a company that teaches science through a Christian perspective. They have several geology courses including this one about dinosaurs and courses from the PreK-3rd grade Geology for "Little Eyes" through the high school level Northwest Treasures Curriculum Project. They also have physical courses and trips so be sure to check them out too.

Our Dinosaur adventures began when we were given 6 months rental access to this video on demand series on Vimeo. With six lessons the whole instructional time is just 1 hour 49 minutes for the total course. Each of the six videos is approximately 16 to 21 minutes long so they are perfect for summer learning or during a school break. The best part is you can re-watch the videos over and over during your rental period.
In this course you will learn about:
Lesson 1 ~ How We Got Our Modern View of Dinosaurs
Lesson 2 ~ The Classification of Dinosaurs: discusses the taxonomy
Lesson 3 ~ Dinosaurs and the Bible, The Great Dinosaur Rush: finding and naming the dinosaurs from bones
Lesson 4 ~ The Extinction of the Dinosaurs: just how did the dinosaurs really die
Lesson 5 ~ Dinosaurs and the Ice Age: dinosaurs during the Ice Age
Lesson 6 ~ Fossils, Age and Soft Tissue: fossils are time-making indicators. Just how old are they?
We also had the chance to watch a single episode about Taking the Mystery Out of Geology. It is only 20 minutes long and shows you why it is so important to approach your study of science from a Christian worldview. This video is also intended for the 5th grade and up crowd as it explores different philosophies like evolutionism, creationism, and uniformitarianism to name a few.

Overall this is a great course and we have enjoyed it tremendously! Our subscription lasts until the end of December so I know we will get a few more viewings of the videos in before our access ends. Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of both of these courses and the other course offered, Geology and Apologetics by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Northwest Treasures
Product ~ Dinosaurs and the Bible and Taking the Mystery out of Geology
Format ~ online, Vimeo video
Price ~ $39.99, on sale for $19.99
Ages ~ 5th grade through adult

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