The book Glaciers is from the series "Earth's Water" and is published under the imprint Lightbox and intended for 3rd - 6th grades. Upon access we received a secret code that we input into the computer and a whole new way of reading a book came to life. Not only was Montana, my 5th grader, able to read the story but there were also extra videos that really made the learning fun and informative. The picture quality is amazingly beautiful and draws you into the book.

The next book we received was called A Lion's World. This book belongs to Weigl Publishers “EyeDiscover" series and is intended for a K-2nd grade reader. Again the photography in this book is beautiful and full of detail all about lions. The words are simple in this book and my 2nd grade daughter had no trouble reading it to herself and aloud to me and my son.

The last book we received is a real treat called There Once Was a Cowpoke Who Swallowed an Ant. It is a fiction title for the K-2nd grade reader and super cute all around. My son and daughter were engrossed in the book with the familiar rhyming storyline and bright and colorful illustrations. The story takes place in the desert where the cowboy swallows several different types of desert animals. I love that it was able to read to my PreK3 son and 2nd grade daughter when I was busy with something else.
Overall, we have enjoyed each of these books immensely! The story lines and attention to detail keeps my children coming back to read these books several times over. In fact, I have my eye on a couple of non-fiction titles to enhance our learning during the upcoming school year. Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of all three of these books by clicking the banner below!

Company ~ Weigl Publishers
Product ~ Glaciers, A Lion's World , and There Once Was a Cowpoke Who Swallowed an Ant
Format ~ Interactive digital book
Ages ~ K-6th grade range

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