Thursday, May 10, 2018

Kayla Jarmon ~ a TOS review

Sometimes we have to talk with our kids about tough topics like death and dying. The loss of a pet or loved one is especially hard on anyone. But children are a little more sensitive so it is nice to have an outlet that makes the subject a little easier to approach and discuss. A few weeks ago we received three books, A Boy and His Dog, Dying is Part of This World, and Don't Forget Me from Kayla Jarmon.

Discussion Book Series and A Boy and His Dog by Kayla Jarmon
Kayla Jarmon is a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend in Christ. As an accomplished author, screenwriter, director, and blogger storytelling has always been near and dear to her heart. In fact when her oldest son was nervous about starting kindergarten she wrote an encouraging story for him hoping to instill a love of learning and school. The books we received are geared towards Christian families, let me tell you a little more about them.

A Boy and His Dog tells you the story of a young bog and his beloved dog. Everyday they do fun and exciting things they both enjoy. The boy’s love for his dog is evident throughout the whole book. This book shows us the true friendship that exists between a boy and his dog.

Don’t Forget Me is the first book in the Discussion Book Series by Kayla. This book was written to help parents engage in meaningful conversations about God with their children. Written in conversational format you can image the conversation taking place between God and a baby. By digging deeper into God’s word you can help your children develop a deeper understanding of life and the world we live in.

Book two in the Discussion Book Series is called Dying Is Part of This World. This book deals with dying. Yes, everyone dies but many people struggle with this topic, especially talking to your children about it. In this book you follow a conversation between and mom and her child who has an real fear of death. This book contains scripture references and discussion questions that will lead to deep conversations and prayer with your children. Yes, death is a scary topic, but God’s wisdom and knowledge helps us overcome the fear of it and this book shows you how.

We have two dogs, Max & Mollie, whom my children just adore, especially my 3 year old son. He loves playing and feeding the dogs. A Boy and His Dog showed him all the fun things he can do with our own dogs too. The other two books were read aloud by me to my children and we discussed them if they had questions. I took the discussion as far as they wanted.

Overall, we have enjoyed these books! I think you should check them out for yourself, especially if you are dealing with any tough topics in your home. But don’t just take my word for it! She what my CrewMates thought of the books by Kayla Jarmon by clicking the banner below!
Discussion Book Series and A Boy and His Dog {Kayla Jarmon Reviews}
Company ~ Kayla Harmon 
Product ~ Kayla Jarmon Books 
Format ~ PDF books, with audio files 
Price ~ $14.99 each
Ages ~ elementary and up 

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