This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, May 4, 2018

CodeWizardsHQ: Coding Program for Homeschool Students ~ a TOS review

Morning! I am super excited to share with you today about a coding class from CodeWizardsHQ that Montana just finished taking. They also offer homeschool computer programs as well as coding classes for all students.

Live Class Computer Programming for your Students {CodeWizardsHQ}

CodeWizardsHQ offers weekly homeschool computer classes where students of all types of ability can learn the computer language. Nowadays this is such an important skill for kids to have since we live in such a digital age.

When we were first offered this class it really didn’t work for our schedule. The timing was off on our end because we were still wrapping up our travels etc. However, I was able to make some changes and get Montana, my 5th grader, home and into the class on time. Score one point for the Mama! :-)

So just what is CodeWizardsHQ and what do they offer?

Live Class Computer Programming for your Students {CodeWizardsHQ}

CodeWizardsHQ offers weekly homeschool computer classes where students of all types of ability can learn the computer language. Nowadays this is such an important skill for kids to have since we live in such a digital age. This particular program is geared towards students in grades 5th-10th and it is on-line. If you have a “gamer” then this program will be right up their alley.

Classes are formatted online for twelve weeks of LIVE instruction right in the comfort of your home. You don’t have to drive anywhere, a real plus for busy homeschoolers. The classes are interactive and hands-on so your student is engaged right from the start. One of my favorite features is the fact that the classes are kept small, about 6 to 8 students each. That way your child is getting that personal attention they may need in the hour long class.

During Montana’s experience she logged on for her class 10 minutes before it was to begin to make sure everything was ready to go with her microphone and web platform, GoToMeeting. Logging in and getting set up was super easy. The class she took was an introductory program that introduced the world of coding to her.

Her instructor, Samuel Hoffman, was excellent with her and the rest of the students. Many of which this was their first time learning any coding. Sam, guided the students through the coding activities, taking time to make sure everyone got attention and help if they so needed.

Montana enjoyed taking this class but she found it difficult. She says“her brain is not wired for this”. I am happy that she gave it a try and did her best. This program would have been a perfect fit for my oldest who is into graphic design/gaming when she was in school! Below you can see Montana’s front and back end of the coding sequence she did.

CodeWizardsHQ class screen shot

CodeWizardsHQ class screen shot

While she did not complete the project within the time period she did enjoy the class. I think this program would be great for any student who shows an interest in coding and/or gaming. Even though this program was not a good fit for Montana it may be the perfect fit for your student so be sure to check it out by clicking the banner below!

Check out what my Crewmates thought too by reading their reviews.

Live Class Computer Programming for your Students {CodeWizardsHQ Reviews}

Company ~ CodeWizardsHQ 

 Format ~ online, live class instruction 

 Pricing ~ $149/Month. This Includes: 4 classes of 1-hour each, Code editor software subscription, Web hosting & Server space, 24/7 instructor email support, and Weekend instructor live help 

 Ages ~ 5th - 10th grades

Live Class Computer Programming for your Students {CodeWizardsHQ}

Social Media Links: 
Facebook  ~ 
Facebook #2 (this group is for parents who are interested in coding for their children)Twitter  ~ Pinterest ~ YouTube

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