Saturday, January 6, 2018

Summary Saturday, week ONE

A few years ago a friend hosted a Random 5 on Friday on her blog. I had a lot of fun participating in that so I want to start compiling a random wrap up of our weeks again. However, I am changing my Weekly Wrap Up's to Summary Saturday and share six points because I like even numbers :-) Some weeks may be in-depth, others not so much. It honestly just depends on what we have going on. 
Let's get started!

1~ First day back to school for the 2017-2018 year happened on Tuesday, January 2nd. Some of us were ready and some of us were not. I choose to go slow this first week back because the original plan had Mikayla was leaving early Thursday morning for her gymnastics meet in TX so this week Mikayla, Montana, and McKenzie only did three subjects each day. Madison started back full throttle.

2 ~ Then things got bumped up because of the Winter Storm Grayson was going to start dumping snow on Wednesday night and she needed to leave for the airport Wednesday early evening. Things were evolving smoothly until she realized that she couldn't find her meet sack pack! So she ended up taking McKenzie's...however, McKenzie has her first meet today, so she is taking one of our gym friend who is not competing this week. The storm ended up dropping 10 inches on us. The kids loved it!

3 ~Can I brag on Madison for a second?! We received her first quarter grade reports for her online AP classes, Honors Physics, and Spanish 3 and I am super proud of her! She has put in the work and earned an "A" in AP Language & Composition and Spanish 3, and a "B" in AP Government and Honors Physics. Her AP Language teacher had this to say about her...
I love the way your active and critical mind comes through these notes. You seem determined to learn from them, and I’m glad you literally taped useful rules up above your text. That’s the kind of initiative that will make you likely to succeed in this class. I also enjoyed the way your own sense of humor comes through these notes, as when you composed tongue-in-cheek advertisements for some sections of Elements of Style! 
She still has her eyes set on the Air Force Academy in 2019 and I found this sweatshirt

online for her. 4 ~ McKenzie got her new competition Leo on Wednesday, Mikayla's has not come in yet so she is wearing last years Leo for her meet this weekend. It may be a little tight in her shoulders though...she will have to pull the sleeves up on her arms to raise her arms above her head, but overall it fits. I hope! She competed at 7:30PM last night and I was glued to my phone watching her scores come in while getting Montana and McKenzie prepped for their meets. I am praying she can pull it together and make the event finals for Saturday night, but the main goal is 4 clean events. It's so hard not being at her meet because she is getting down to the wire...however, on the other hand McKenzie is just starting her gymnastics career. It's a balancing act and we are making it happen! 

5 ~ Montana has her last cheerleading competition this morning. Don't you just love it when you need to be in several different places at once!  Thank goodness the hubby is still home on leave or it would have made for an eventful weekend getting everyone here and there. She and her team are competing against two other teams. I pray they all hit their marks so they have a great showing. Her cheerleading venue is 20 minutes away from McKenzie's gymnastics venue so I am hoping to make it in time to see her compete. 6 ~ Next week I start sharing more reviews for The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine Homeschool Review Crew.  I am excited to start reviewing and using products! I have a special project I am working on with them that I am excited about too, but I'll share more about that in February. There are a lot of new curriculum items that look amazing on the review list so stay tuned! Next week I also plan to to start sharing our menu plan for each week. I am getting back to a KETOGENIC Way of Eating (WOE) on January 9th and the kiddos are going to do a Whole 30 starting on the 9th too. I figure it may be helpful to others and keep us accountable if I post our menu plan. I will warn you, I am a creature of habit so don't expect too much variety in my KETO meals though.

And that's our first Saturday Summary, see you next week!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Homeschool Review Crew Weekly Link Up

2008 - 2018 A Stable Beginning. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. 

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