The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit involves the use of three grips:
1. The Crossover Grip {Training } ~ helps the child align their fingers in the correct position and keeps their tiny fingers from crossing over the pencil.
2. The Pinch Grip {Transitioning} ~ is used as a guide for proper finger positioning.
3. The Original Grip {Graduation} ~ is the “original” grip and helps to stop bad habits that can be formed during writing.
I have been really stressing correct pencil grip for all my children, but especially for my younger children. Having The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit assures me that Micah (3) and McKenzie (8) will learn to utilize the proper grip so we won’t have any hand tiredness or sloppy writing down the road.
Micah quickly advanced to the second grip, The Pinch Grip. He loves sitting at the table and getting to do “school”. He is currently learning the letters of his name and frequently likes to just trace or draw pictures too. McKenzie has been using our pink single grip on her pencil and when I say "pencil check" and she holds up her hand with the pencil gripped correctly. Since doing this it has really helped her handwriting and having her slow down and take her time forming her letters especially since we are transitioning to cursive. When Montana (11) turns in sloppy work I make her do her lessons again with a Grip on. It doesn't always make her happy but she learns to "Do it Nice, or do it Twice".
We also received The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors to try out. I have never really been fond of Micah using the scissors we have in the house so these came at a perfect time. He loves to sit and cut paper for long periods of time. Which comes in handy while I am working with one of his sisters.
Overall, we have truly loved all of these products we received and recommend you check them out if your child needs a little help with their pencil grip or you have a little one the needs to learn to use scissors! They will become a mainstay within our homeschool for many years to come.
And guess what!? While I normally don't get to give away review products but this company is so awesome that they want to get the word out about their product and share its awesomness. If you have a child needing safe cutting scissors or a little help with grip training enter to win a set of your own The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors AND The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit. Fill out the Rafflecopter below. The giveaway is only open to US residents at this time and one winner will be picked on Thursday, October 26th at 6PM Eastern and the winner will be announced Friday morning on October 27th. The winner will have 24 hours to contact me with their address and The Pencil Grip company will ship your set directly to you.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Be sure to check out what my CrewMates think of these products by clicking the link below!

Company ~ The Pencil Grip, Inc.
Price ~ The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit ~ $8.13 and The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors ~ $4.00
Ages ~ beginning writers and up

Social Media Links for Pencil Grip:

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