Sunday, September 10, 2017

Weekly Check UP ~ week 6

It’s time for another 2 week check-up! We just finished week 6 of our school year and we have finally hit our groove. Everyone has started all the classes we have scheduled for this year too.

Madison and Mikayla both started Spanish with HomeschoolSpanish Academy {affiliate link} this week. Madison also started AP Government and Honors Physics online with Dr. Jay Wile start Wednesday. These online classes are just what she needed this year! She also took the ACT test for the first time this past Saturday.

A few substitutions have been made, nothing major though. I switched McKenzie’s spelling from Sonlight 2 to the spelling program offered from Super Teacher Worksheets

We just were not having the most success with the Sonlight spelling and I don’t quite think she is ready for Rod & Staff Spelling 3 so we are taking a more relaxed approach. I am going to be writing a review of how we are using the spelling program and more from Super Teacher Worksheets come October so be on the lookout for that.

Last week Montana received an “A” on her math test! It was quite the feat because she does not enjoy math at all. It is the one subject that can change her attitude from good to worse in seconds. She can do the work, but she just does not want too. I am hoping it is just a slump and she pulls out of it soon…until then I will be patient and we will just plug away at the lessons one day at a time.

Personally, I need to work on my own time management for the next three weeks until our 1st quarter break. I made the mistake of going into the gym Thursday morning when dropping the girls off for training at 830AM. The thing is I got to talking to my gym mom’s and I ended up not leaving until McKenzie’s practice was over at 11:30AM. I needed that talking time, but it put me behind schedule with the rest of the day. I need to pace myself with my own commitments, sometimes I am just too nice.

God has been blessing me so much these last few weeks in little ways. It is so awesome to see answered prayers literally walk in the door! I have made so many new friendships these last few weeks too, it’s been great.

The next three weeks will fly by I am sure but I am looking forward to our 1st quarter break. Until next time, be blessed!

Reviews posted:

Weekly Wrap-Up

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