This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Friday, September 15, 2017

Unathorized by Chara Games ~ a TOS review

I am so excited to share with you a new game from Chara Games called Unauthorized. Do you love playing board games at your house? We sure do! We are a board game loving family so it shouldn't surprise you to know that we loved playing Unauthorized during a few of our family game nights. Let me tell you a little about it because you are in for a real treat. 

Chara Games LLC was founded by Katherine & Patrick Lysaght in 2014. Together they desired to design and publish innovative and fun tabletop games with Christian themes. Chara is the Biblical Greek word for “unshakeable joy”. They want to help you and your family experience joy through their relationships with God and other people through playing games to help build and foster relationships through shared, joyful experiences.

Like the other games, Commissioned and 3 Seeds that Chara Games has made, Unauthorized is a social deduction or role-playing game designed for 6-12 players. With that number of people playing it may sound like it takes a long time to play, but it just takes 30 minutes. The game is intended for players who are 12 years old through adult.

The game contains:
~ Rule Book
~ Role Cards
~ Dealer Reference Card
~ Player Reference Card
~ Experience Cards

This game takes you into the world of the underground church. Will you help build the church or ruin it without blinking an eye? The game is played by each player being assigned a role that has specific abilities and every game has a Pastor and a Police Officer. Other roles include a Teacher, Merchant, Rebel, Musician, Clerk, Thief Counselor, or Matchmaker.

The object of the game is to sway players to your side. Setting up the game includes shuffling the Role cards and dealing one to each player. Game players must pick a side and place the role cards face up in front of themselves. Then Experience Cards are dealt with Police getting 7 red cards and Pastors green cards. The remaining Experience Cards are shuffled and dealt to the other game players.

These cards will tell whether or not a player is loyal to the state or the church. Next, do your job as a player and persuade and convince other game players to be on your side. With four rounds of play the game can get intense at times when you are trying to convince people to join your side. We played this game as a family when my oldest was still home from University. With her, my husband, myself, and older three daughters we had just the minimum of six players needed to play the game. My younger two children just watched even though they really wanted to play.


This is a great game and leads to many discussions as to why some people are not free to worship their God freely and how some countries and people are not friendly to Christians or the Gospel. We recommend this game to any family looking for a quality family game to play. Definitely check out the instuctional video, it is very helpful in explaining the game in greater detail. Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this game too by clicking the banner below.

Unauthorized {Chara Games Reviews}
Company ~ Chara Games 
 Product ~ Unauthorized 
 Price ~ $14.99
 Ages ~ 12 to adult

Chara Games

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