Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Imagine...The Great Flood by Barbour Publishing ~ a TOS review

Today I have an exciting book to share with you! It’s true we have read a lot of historical fiction over the years, but nothing compared to the new book Montana just read called Imagine…The Great Flood by Matt Koceich. She was kept on the edge of her seat while reading this Biblical Fiction for kids from Barbour Publishing.

We are no stranger to the clean books for kids that Barbour Publishing produces. A few years ago we were introduced to our first Barbour Publishing book when we received Diary of a Real Payne Book 1: True Story . Imagine…The Great Flood was created by Matt Koceich, a schoolteacher, who wants to bring the Bible to life for curious kids aged 8 to 12.

IMAGINE... The Great Flood

For this review, my 5th grade daughter, Montana, read the book. I initially scheduled the book out so she would read it over the course of a school week because it tied in with our history programs study of Noah. To my surprise she was so into the book that she finished it in just one day! Below are her words to describe the story.

The story is about ten-year-old Corey who is about to move to Florida from Texas. While he was chasing dog, Molly, he falls and bumps his head on a tree branch. When he wakes up he is surrounded by two lions! 

Noah’s son, Shem, saves him from the lions. Shem then takes Corey back to Noah’s ark where Noah and the rest of the family are gathering the animals inside. Along the way they are attacked by giants, who are trying to stop from taking two of each animal to the ark. Everyone is against Noah and his family. They don’t believe what he is doing by gathering the animals and tries to do everything in their power to stop him and his sons. An evil man named, Elizar, who has magical powers like a wizard works with the giants to try and stop Noah. 

Throughout the story Corey learns that he needs to trust God and that he is real and protecting him through his move like he did with Noah. I liked this story because it was interesting. I was already familiar with the story from reading and hearing about it in my Bible but I liked this take on the story of Noah’s ark. I recommend this story to other kids. My assignment after reading the book was to draw a movie poster for the story. I like art so this was fun to me. I can’t wait until the next book, Imagine…The Ten Plagues in March 2018. 

Just imagine what life would be like to live through a biblical event! This book does just that. Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of this book by clicking the banner below.

Imagine. . .The Great Flood by Matt Koceich {Barbour Publishing}

Format ~ paperback book 
Genre ~ Juvenile Fiction / Religious / Christian / Action & Adventure 
Price ~ $5.99 
Ages ~ 8 to 12 year olds

Barbour Publishing

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